Digestive System By: Amie, Sam, and Tara
Fun Facts The average human being has over 400 different species of bacteria in their colon. The stomach of an adult holds up to 1.5 liters of food and food stays here for 2 to 3 hours. Hydrochloric acid, produced by the stomach, can dissolve metal but has no effect on plastic. Estimates of how much saliva our bodies produce each day range from 1 to 3 liters Muscles contract and relax in the esophagus to push food down to the stomach — it works even when you’re upside down!
Major Organs Mouth Esophagus Stomach Liver Kidney Small Intestines Large Intestines Rectum Anus
Secondary Systems Circulatory System- moves the nutrients that was absorbed from the small intestines. Also signals carried by the system controls the speed of digestion. Organs- veins, arteries, capillaries, heart. Urinary System- after the nutrients are taken through the system the urinary system excretes the waste. Organs- kidney, uterus Endocrine System- sends the signal through the circulatory system that controls the speed of digestion. Organs- glands, pancreas
Integumentary System
Fun Facts Your skin is known as your birthday suit. Every month you have a whole new layer of skin. You will shed 40lbs of skin in a lifetime. An adult has 20 sq. ft. of skin. You have 7 layers of flat, stacked cells.
Major Organs Skin Hair Nails Glands Nerves
Secondary Systems Immune System- helps defend against infection. The skin is the first line of defense. Organs- Skin Digestive System- the skin encourages the digestive system to take up calcium from our diet. Organs- intestines, liver, stomach, rectum Circulatory System- the systems work together to regulate body temperature with the blood flow and hair on skin Organs- veins, capillaries, arteries Nervous System- this system depends on the skins sensors to tell what is in the outside world. Organs- brain, spinal cord, nerves, sensory organs.