Pan Berkshire CDOP Training Day 24/04/2019 Evaluation 5. Understanding Trauma 1. CDOP Successes: Reading Festival, Safe Sleeping Campaign, Raising Awareness of the Risk of Pneumococcal Death 5. Understanding Trauma 43.3% 51.7% 5.0% Excellent Very Good 76.1% 21.7% 2.2% Neither good or bad Excellent Very Good Neither good or bad 2. High Impact User Audit of Young People 6. Case study session 26.2% 54.1% 18.0% 1.6% Excellent Very Good Neither good or bad Poor 7. Day overall 49.1% 36.4% 14.5% 3. Being and Dying: CYP With Medical Complexities Excellent Very Good Neither good or bad 7. Day overall 1.7% 68.3% 30.0% Neither good or bad 59.6% 36.8% 3.5% Excellent Very Good Excellent Very Good Neither good or bad 4. Every Child Matters 8. How well were the objectives of the day met? 54.5% 43.6% 1.8% Excellent Very Good Neither good or bad 66.1% 32.3% 1.6% Excellent Very Good Neither good or bad
Highlights Suggestions for Change 1 2 CASE STUDIES Topics “opportunity for multi-agency partners to discuss practice, share experiences & break down barriers.” 1 Topics “well facilitated” “really stimulating discussion. Helpful to be part of a MDT group” “could have talks, information, research on new ways of working, new legislation, innovative practice examples” “further discussion regarding how best to engage with young people with vulnerabilities. Services, schemes that various places refer to e.g. police used different services to health” MULTI-AGENCY ROLE “good to meet other professionals & hear from different agencies. Wouldn't have access to this info otherwise.” “more interactive studies” “more variety style of learning” “meeting some very interesting & lovely people, and learning about each others’ practices & challenges.” MULTI-AGENCY ROLE “maybe next year a slot for a coroner to make a presentation on what happens after a child death as the process is so different to an adult death” EVERY CHILD MATTERS “very useful to look at current issues related to exploitation & discuss what professionals can do to prevent it” White remove Topics- add more point. Draw on ore positives Catering/break & venue Bullet point 2 “real case experiences reinforced level of risk children face.” “Makes you think about all vulnerabilities.” Venue OTHER HIGHLIGHTS: Reading University was felt a good venue overall. There were a few minor niggles on the day which have been fed back to the organisers. “networking” “thought provoking talks led to brilliant discussion” “presentations from the police - really interesting” “Stan Gilmour a particular highlight” “Sarah Hughes' presentation as learnt so much: really liked the ethics and clinical decisions juxtaposed”