Identify processes, participants and circumstances in the following clauses and label the processes as material, mental, relational, verbal, behavioural or existential.
One day, two tailors arrived at his palace. Once upon a time, there was an Emperor who loved to spend his money on expensive clothes. One day, two tailors arrived at his palace.
Partici- pant/s Process Type/ Subtype Circum- stance Category Subcateg Existent: an Emperor who loved …on expensive clothes. was Existential Once upon a time, … Location: temporal Actor: two tailors arrived Material Middle One day, at his palace spatial
They said they could make him the most beautiful suit, with magic cloth that only clever people could see. What a wonderful suit to have”, thought the Emperor. “I’ll know immediately who is clever and who is stupid in my palace.”
Manner: Means Partici- pant/s Process Type/ Subtype Circum- stance Category Subcateg Sayer: They Locution: they could…see. said Verbal (reporting) with magic cloth that only…. could see. Manner: Means Senser: The Emperor Metaphenome-non: “What a … suit to have” thought Mental (cognition) ------------
The Emperor gave the tailors a lot of money and a room in the palace. “I’ll know immediately who is clever and who is stupid in my palace.” The Emperor gave the tailors a lot of money and a room in the palace.
Partici- pant/s Process Type/ Subtype Circum- stance Category Subcateg Senser: The Emperor Metaphenomenon: “I’ll know.. in my palace” thought Mental (cognition) in my palace Location: spacial Actor: The Emperor Goal: a lot of money..palace. Benef/Recip. the tailors gave Material Effective (giving type) ------------
He was very excited, but he was also worried.
Attributive Intensive ----------- ------------ Partici- pant/s Process Type/ Subtype Circum- stance Category Subcateg Carrier: He Attribute: very excited was Relational Attributive Intensive ----------- ------------ worried Attributive Intensive
He sent one of his ministers to look first. “Oh dear”, he thought, “I hope I can see the magic cloth.” He sent one of his ministers to look first.
sent to look first Manner: means Partici- pant/s Process Type/ Subtype Circum- stance Category Subcateg Senser: he Metaphenom: “Oh dear”/ “I hope I can see…cloth.” thought Mental (cognition) ----------- ------------ Actor: he Goal: one of the ministers sent Material Effective -------------- ------------- Behaver: one of the ministers to look Behavioural Perception first Manner: means
The minister went into the tailors’ room. “Oh, no! I can’t see anything”, he thought unhappily. “What can I say to the Emperor?”
Partici- pant/s Process Type/ Subtype Circum- stance Category Subcateg Actor: The minister went Material Middle into the tailor’s room Location: spacial Senser: he Metapheno-menon: “Oh no! I can’t see anything” thought Mental cognition unhappily Manner: quality
“What can I say to the Emperor?” “Well?”, said one tailor, “Do you like the suit?”
Partici- pant/s Process Type/ Subtype Circum- stance Category Subcateg Senser: he Metapheno-menon: “What can I… Emperor?” thought Mental cognition --------------- ------------ Sayer: one tailor Locution: “Well?”/ “Do you like the suit?” said Verbal Locution quoting -----------
“Oh, it is excellent!”, he said. “We are very pleased to hear that”, said the tailors.
Partici- pant/s Process Type/ Subtype Circum- stance Category Subcateg Sayer: he Locution: “Oh, it is excellent!” said Verbal Locution quoting ------------ ------------- Sayer: the tailors Locution: “We…that” --------------
and the Emperor was delighted The minister told the Emperor and the Emperor was delighted
Relational Attributive Partici- pant/s Process Type/ Subtype Circum- stance Category Subcateg Sayer: The minister Receiver: The Emperor told Verbal ------------ Carrier: Attribute: delighted was Relational Attributive -------------
“Look”, said the minister. ”Aren’t the colours lovely?”. He went to the tailors’ room with his minister. “Look”, said the minister. ”Aren’t the colours lovely?”.
Partici- pant/s Process Type/ Subtype Circum- stance Category Subcateg Actor: He went Material Middle to the tailor’s room Location: spatial with his minister Accompaniment comitative Sayer: the Locution: “Look”//Aren’t the colours lovely?” said Verbal Locution quoting ------------ --------------
but he said “Oh yes, the suit is wonderful, thank you”. Unfortunately, the poor Emperor couldn’t see anything at all but he said “Oh yes, the suit is wonderful, thank you”.
Partici- pant/s Process Type/ Subtype Circum- stance Category Subcateg Senser: the poor Emperor Phenomenon: anything at all couldn’t see Mental perception ------------ ------------- Sayer: he Locution: “Oh yes, the suit…you”. said Verbal Locution quoting
so the Emperor put on his new clothes Naturally, everybody wanted to see the suit, so the Emperor put on his new clothes
Partici- pant/s Process Type/ Subtype Circum- stance Category Subcateg Senser: everybody Phenomenon the suit wanted to see Mental perception ------------ Actor: the Emperor Goal: his new clothes put on Material effective -------------
All the people clapped and cheered loudly. and went into the city with his ministers. All the people clapped and cheered loudly.
Partici- pant/s Process Type/ Subtype Circum- stance Category Subcateg Actor: He went Material Middle into the city Location: spatial with his ministers. Accompaniment comitative Behaver: All the people clapped Behavioural loudly Manner: quality cheered
Then, suddenly, a little boy ran out. The Emperor felt better. Then, suddenly, a little boy ran out.
Partici- pant/s Process Type/ Subtype Circum- stance Category Subcateg Carrier: The Emperor Attribute: better felt Relational Attributive Intensive ------------ Actor: a little boy ran out Material Middle
“The Emperor isn’t wearing any clothes!” he shouted. “Oh, it’s true!” the people said. “He’s as naked as the day he was born!”
Partici- pant/s Process Type/ Subtype Circum- stance Category Subcateg Sayer: he Locution: “The Emperor isn’t wearing any clothes!”. shouted Verbal Locution quoting ------------ ------------- Sayer: the people Locution: “Oh, its true!” “He’s as naked…born!” said
The Emperor, who was so embarrassed, ran quickly back to the palace
ran was Partici- pant/s Process Type/ Subtype Circum- stance Category Subcateg Actor: the Emperor ran Material Middle quickly Manner: quality back to the palace Location: spatial Carrier: ,who Attribute: so embar- rassed, was Relational Attributive Intensive ------------ -------------
and called angrily for the tailors but they were gone.
Behaver: call the Emperor Partici- pant/s Process Type/ Subtype Circum- stance Category Subcateg Behaver: the Emperor call Behavioural angrily Manner: quality for the tailors Cause: purpose Carrier: They Attribute: gone were Relational Attributive ------------- --------------