Sarah Clements Chalkwell Hall Infant School Ofsted Pilot April 2019 Sarah Clements Chalkwell Hall Infant School
Section 5 with on-site preparation (replaced with 90 min call) Lead inspector 12.30 – 5.00 School context – any recent changes SEF Priorities SIP Staffing – teaching and learning Inspection Data Summary Report Previous Inspection Tour of the school Curriculum – intent (social media/website) Planning the timetable for day 2
Day 2 3 inspectors (over tariffed) Deep dives – Reading, Maths, wider curriculum in year 2 EYFS Safeguarding – culture and procedures Cultural capital (preparing children for life in modern Britain) PP provision Staff work/life balance Meetings with leaders
Deep Dives One inspector focusses on a specific area Observe learning Talk to children Look at outcomes (not in school data) Talk to teacher Talk to leader/leaders Deep but narrow (focus is very much on a minority of teachers/classes) Typicality is questionable Difficult to organise for non-core subjects
The curriculum Intent discussions website be clear about your offer Implementation talking to children, teachers, leaders Observing learning, playtimes and assemblies looking at books and displays sequence of learning / components in all subjects planning conceptual learning and long term memory Impact published data outcomes (books and displays) talking to children abut their learning, recent and past
Day 3 Meeting teachers and leaders/governors Sports Premium Parents feedback (surveys) Inclusion Governors NQT / Trainees Listening to children read
The feedback/report What is it like to be a pupil at this school? The quality of education Behaviour and attitudes Personal development Leadership and management Early years
The differences On-site preparation (90 minute call) Stronger focus on the quality of education – talking to children and observing learning Safeguarding – less procedural The whole curriculum – stronger focus on the whole offer, not just the core Less interest in data Stronger focus on reading Buzz words – components, 3 Is, cultural capital