Radoslav Pavlov Danail Dochev


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Presentation transcript:

Radoslav Pavlov Danail Dochev radko@cc.bas.bg dochev@iinf.bas.bg Knowledge technologies and ubiquitous learning Current work and joint activities with MTA SZTAKI Radoslav Pavlov Danail Dochev Institute of Mathematics Institute of Information and Informatics – BAS Technologies – BAS radko@cc.bas.bg dochev@iinf.bas.bg 14/09/2019 SZTAKI Centre of Excellence

Analytical surveys for the National Agency for Development of ICT /1/ A. Typical problem situations in the Cyberspace Problems in the information access to Internet. Privacy in Internet. Problems of information and network security. 4. Problems with business applications in Internet. 5. Approaches and methods for prevention of unauthorized access and attacks on Internet. 14/09/2019 SZTAKI Centre of Excellence

Analytical surveys for the National Agency for Development of ICT /2/ B. Information Society Technologies for Knowledge Processing and Management 1. Semantic Web Technologies. 2. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 3. Agent Technologies. 4. Knowledge management in e-business. 5. Security issues of Intelligent Web Services. 14/09/2019 SZTAKI Centre of Excellence

Analytical surveys for the National Agency for Development of ICT /3/ C. New Information Technologies and Interactive Environments for Vocational and Life Long Learning Distance Learning and e-Learning E-Learning Standards New Learning Models for Technology-Enhanced Learning Context-oriented Learning Technologies Environments for On-the-job Training 14/09/2019 SZTAKI Centre of Excellence

Preparation of 3 PHARE projects 1. Cultural Tourism /Applications of Web Technologies – E-tourism Portal for Bulgarian North-East Black Sea/ 2. Labour Market Initiatives – e-learning for Tourism SME Enterpreneurs 3. Labour Market Initiatives – ICT Skills e-Training 14/09/2019 SZTAKI Centre of Excellence

e-Government Foresight Work in Expert Group for Bulgarian e-Government National Strategy Foresight 6 Working Meetings, 4 Workshops with Foreign Consultants (incl. Hungary) 14/09/2019 SZTAKI Centre of Excellence

SZTAKI Centre of Excellence Conferences - EDEN /1/ 12-th EDEN Annual Conference “The Quality Dialogue”, Rhodes, 15-18 June’03 Paper: Danail Dochev, Radoslav Pavlov, Maria Monova–Zheleva – Principles, Quality Requirements and Solutions for On-the-Job e-Training in SME The work presented in this paper was partially funded by Leonardo da Vinci project HU/01/B/F/PP-136029 ADONIS: “Advanced On-the-job e-Training Solutions in E-Business for SMEs” 14/09/2019 SZTAKI Centre of Excellence

SZTAKI Centre of Excellence Conferences - EDEN /2/ The paper presents the basic implementation phases of e- Learning environment for on-the-job training /OJT/ and addresses requirements, principles and criteria providing an effective and qualitative development. It discusses the training platform, its design principles, methodological aspects of learning, development and integration of teaching materials. The training platform covers: Learning by doing (practice-based OJT); Learning by practising partial skills (instruction-based OJT). Learning by systematic feedback and reflection / self evaluation (study-based OJT). 14/09/2019 SZTAKI Centre of Excellence

SZTAKI Centre of Excellence Conferences - EDEN /3/ Design principles Content eligibility - tailored to the needs of target group. Sound instructional design. Engagement/Interactivity support Navigation Support. Motivating the learner. Feedback and Evaluation Support.. Esthetical Quality Record Keeping - recording of user performance. Support of local languages. Personalisation - support for different learning styles Scalability in terms of content aggregation and delivery 14/09/2019 SZTAKI Centre of Excellence

SZTAKI Centre of Excellence Conferences /4/ International Workshop on Knowledge Technologies and Ubiquitous Learning, Varna, 24-26 June 2003 Programme Committee Members and Participants from IIT-BAS, IMI-BAS, LT-BAS, MTA SZTAKI etc. Proceedings (R. Pavlov, D. Dochev –eds.) in print The workshop included open discussions on Joint European LdV projects ADONIS and KNOSOS 14/09/2019 SZTAKI Centre of Excellence

Current Joint EC Projects /1/ LdV project ADVANCED ON-THE-JOB e-TRAINING SOLUTIONS IN e-BUSINESS FOR SMEs /ADONIS/ (2002 – 2004) Participants: John von Neumann Computer Society, MTA SZTAKI, IIT-BAS, IMI-BAS, Technical Univ. of Crete, Multimedia Systems Center (Greece), FINSA Consulting (Italy) The work of IIT-BAS covers the operation of Internet-based environment for On-the-Job training. The work of IMI-BAS covers the improvement of the developed multimedia courseware. 14/09/2019 SZTAKI Centre of Excellence

Current Joint EC Projects /2/ LdV project New Media Knowledge Village for Innovative E-learning Solutions /KNOSOS/ (2002-2005) Participants: Technical Univ. of Crete, MSH (France), MTA SZTAKI, IIT-BAS, BMC, Eurotelematika (Bulgaria), KURT, Galanis SA (Greece). The work of IIT-BAS concerns architectural question of the environment to be developed and specification of the coursware structural characteristics. The work of BMC /Project leader R. Pavlov/ concerns the analysis of e-Learning standards and development of vocational training specifications. 14/09/2019 SZTAKI Centre of Excellence

SZTAKI Centre of Excellence Next joint projects /1/ 6 FP SSA project Networking Centres of High Quality Research on Knowledge Technologies and Applications /HUBUSKA/ (2004 – 2006) Participants: MTA SZTAKI – co-ordinator, IMI-BAS, IIT-BAS, University of Klagenfurt, Novitech (Slovakia). The project is in negotiation phase. 14/09/2019 SZTAKI Centre of Excellence

SZTAKI Centre of Excellence Next joint projects /2/ HUBUSKA topics: Generic issues of knowledge technologies. Semantic web approaches to organisation, access, processing and use of context-sensitive information. Methods and tools for development of semantic-enabled systems and services for multimedia content, interopera­bility, re-usability Technology-enhanced learning with ubiquitous applications of integrated web, digital TV and mobile technologies 14/09/2019 SZTAKI Centre of Excellence

SZTAKI Centre of Excellence Next joint projects /3/ LdV project CHIRON for development of Reference material REFERRING INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR UBUIQUITOUS LEARNING (2004-2005) Submitted by: MSH (France), Technical Univ. of Crete, COREP (Italy), FINSA Tech. (Italy), MTA SZTAKI, EduWeb (Hungary), IMI-BAS, ASDIS (Bulgaria) Under reviewing 14/09/2019 SZTAKI Centre of Excellence

SZTAKI Centre of Excellence Next Conference AIMSA’2004 - 11th International Conference Artificial Intelligence:Methodology, Systems, Applications Varna, 2 – 4 September 2004 Conference Chairman: Prof. Dieter Fensel, Univ. of Insbruck Chairman of the Programme Committee: Prof. Cristoph Busler, Executive Director, Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) National University of Ireland, Galway Topics: general AI, focus on Semantic Web methods, tools and applications 14/09/2019 SZTAKI Centre of Excellence