Progress in drafting the JRC-led MSFD monitoring guidance Nikos ZAMPOUKAS
Context - aim of the guidance Establishment of MSFD monitoring programmes by 2014. Other EU legislation also requires marine (some monitoring activities should already exist) Gaps identified in the 2012 JRC workshops CIS concept paper with 7 recommendations. This guidance aims to apply the recommendations with the objective to fill the identified gaps.
Extended drafting group Core drafting group JRC and other EC DGs (ENV & MARE) HELCOM UNEP/MAP (possibly from end April) FI, FR, NL, PL, DE, GR, PT RO, BG, EEI Extended drafting group Offers from Italy (D1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 9) Possibly UK experts Possibilities to look for other MS experts are open
Meeting 22 April Brussels Agreement on the content of the overarching chapters and identification of chapter leads. Further development of the overarching chapters. Identification of possible leads and experts for the descriptors specific chapters. More detailed timeline for all chapters.
Overarching chapters Chapter lead Executive summary JRC Introduction Overarching principles of monitoring State of the art in marine monitoring Quality assurance & control DE Good practices PT Link with socioeconomic component PL Outlook
Descriptor specific chapters lead Biodiversity monitoring (D 1, 2, 4 & 6) JRC Hydromorphology monitoring (D7) tbd Monitoring of commercially exploited fish and shellfish populations (D3) Eutrophication monitoring (D5) NL Contaminants monitoring (D 8 & 9) Litter monitoring (D10) Noise monitoring (D11) Pressures and impacts monitoring HELCOM
TIMELINE Date Action 6-7 May Information point in the 10th MSCG 22 May Web conference on the drafting progress 31 May 1st draft of overarching chapters 20-21 June Drafting workshop in Brussels (core group & additional contributors). 5 July 15 July 1st draft of descriptor specific chapters 17 Sep 30 Sep Consolidated draft 21-22 October draft presented to WG GES