Benefits of ACTRIS for Implementation of EMEP monitoring strategy


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Presentation transcript:

Benefits of ACTRIS for Implementation of EMEP monitoring strategy Annual Meeting of EMEP Task Force on Measurements and Modeling 17-19. April 2012 , Gozo, Malta   Benefits of ACTRIS for Implementation of EMEP monitoring strategy in the Czech Republic Milan Váňa Czech Hydrometeorological Institute Košetice Observatory

Košetice Observatory EMEP, GAW, ACTRIS – regional background Geographical co-ordinates: N 49o 35´ E 15o 05´ Altitude (m a.s.l.): 534 . 4935´ N 1505´ E

Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Research Infrastructure Network ACTRIS Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Research Infrastructure Network 7th Framework Programme INFRA-2010-1.1.16 Research Infrastructures for Atmospheric research

WP3: In-situ chemical, physical and optical properties of aerosols Continuation of EUSAAR To ensure the implementation of the existing standardized protocols for high-quality-assured and - controlled aerosol number size distributions in the network and to develop procedures for its extension to the nucleation mode range  To ensure the implementation of the existing standardized protocols of high-quality assured and - controlled aerosol measurements of scattering and absorption coefficients and the development of standardized procedures of spectral absorption measurements.  To ensure the implementation of the existing harmonized protocols for sampling and analysis of organic/elemental carbon and to develop standardized protocols for sampling and quantification of organic tracers for source identification To develop standardized protocols for high-quality assured and - controlled measurements of cloud condensation nuclei. To ensure diffusion of information to data centers

ACTRIS (EC-OC) regular measurement since 2008 according to EUSAAR protocol at Kosetice Observatory Data utilizable for EMEP Level 2 2012 within CzechGlobe project - automatic analyzer SUNSET – utilizable for ACTRIS, EMEP and also Czech National air quality network

ACTRIS SMPS (size distribution) regular measurement since 2009 Data utilizable for EMEP Level 2 Co-operation with The Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals (Czech Academy of Science) – Dr. Zdimal

ACTRIS Optical features of aerosols No measurement in the Czech republic at this moment 2012 within CzechGlobe project measurement of solar light absorption on aerosols measurement of solar light dispersion on aerosols Utilizable for ACTRIS, GAW, EMEP LEVEL 2 , CzechGlobe Co-operation with The Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals (Czech Academy of Science) – Dr. Zdimal

Trace gases networking Volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides ACTRIS (WP4) Trace gases networking Volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides

NA4: Trace gases networking: Volatile organic carbon and nitrogen oxides To integrate and harmonize trace gas measurements in Europe, with the result of having a sustainable and reliable observation network for highly time-resolved data across Europe.  To implement standardized measurement protocols (SOPs) and common European calibration scales for VOCs and NOxy in support of the European EMEP and global GAW strategy and according to data quality objectives formulated by these initiatives.  To create a protocol for merging the information of ground-based in-situ and remote sensing capacities in order to achieve more comprehensive distributions of VOCs and NOxy in Europe.  To foster the dissemination of the methods and quality assured data to scientific groups related to the analysis and modeling of air pollutants in Europe and to support EC directives relevant for air pollution and the CLRTAP abatement strategies

NA4 – ongiong activities guestionnaires Round –robin test Side-by-side-experiment Station audits

Conclusion The approach of co-located measurements and using one representative site for more activities brings quite sufficient coverage of new EMEP monitoring strategy