Development Plan
Development Plan Table of Contents 1 Introduction - Development Plan 4 Circulation and Signage 5 Development Areas 6 Ecological Assets Management 7 Water Distribution 8 Sanitary Sewer 9 Electrical Distribution 10 Telecommunications Distribution 11 Natural Gas Distribution 12 Signage 13 Phasing Introduction Horizon Center is a new business and industrial park located on 957 acres in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. This development plan has been prepared to help assure the most functional and economical development of the land and facilities. The site is within the corporate city limits of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and is 10 miles west of its central business district. The Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Clinch River (navigable to the Mississippi River), and Interstate 40 and 75 are all within 6 miles of Horizon Center. The site is bounded on the north by Black Oak Ridge, on the south by the Oak Ridge Turnpike, on the east by a section of the East Fork of Poplar Creek, and on the west by McKinney Ridge and Poplar Springs Road. The City of Oak Ridge lies in both Anderson and Roane Counties. Combined, these counties have a population of over 65,000 and are within the 700,000 person Knoxville GMSA. A continuously flowing stream, the East Fork of Poplar Creek, extends longitudinally though Horizon Center. Along the stream, and within its 100-year flood boundary, a forested area typical of the attractive East Tennessee natural environment is preserved. Horizon Center is planned to accommodate the development of approximately 4 million square feet of manufacturing, research and development, distribution, office, and support facilities. This document compiles the site and planning information to successfully guide this development. Objectives include the efficient allocation of useable land for buildings, parking, vehicular circulation (auto, truck, and rail), utilities, and employee amenities. Development Plan
Development Plan 1 Horizon Center Heritage Center Renovare Boulevard Imperium Drive Oak Ridge Turnpike State Highway 58 North 2000 Feet Horizon Center Heritage Center Grid = 5000 Feet Oak Ridge Turnpike (SR 58) To I-40 To I-75 / I-40 To Oak Ridge Novus Drive Development Plan 1
West Sculpture Terrace Communications Center Development-Ready Sites The development plan for Horizon Center meets a number of specific goals: providing guidance for the practical location and configuration of building sites and infrastructure; preserving the valuable and attractive ecological assets of the site; effectively segregating auto, truck, rail, and pedestrian traffic; providing for a suitable and sustainable visual image and a high-quality work environment; allowing for flexibility in the configuration and sizing of building sites; and providing high-quality infrastructure with redundancy of key systems. Horizon Center successfully responds to each goal. Evaluation of topography, existing utilities, site drainage, ecological assets, and alternative access points at existing roads and rail lines led to the selection of two principal development areas. These occur on each side of the East Fork of Poplar Creek. Adjacent to the creek and natural area, an easement is established to accommodate routing of roads and utilities throughout the site. West Sculpture Terrace Communications Center Development-Ready Sites Development Plan
Development Plan 2 View From West Entrance Boulevard View East - Renovare Boulevard and Walkway at Development Area 6 Development Plan 2
Horizon Center provides over 400 acres of building sites Horizon Center provides over 400 acres of building sites. It is located within the East Tennessee Technology Park, a 5-site business park that includes both existing buildings and undeveloped sites for business and industry. An exemplary workplace has been established. The attractive East Tennessee natural environment is preserved within the Center through the careful planning of roads, utilities and building sites. A stream and forest area bisects Horizon Center and is preserved as a natural area and unifying feature. Covenants preserve this ecological asset to help maintain property values and a desirable work environment. Several carefully selected bridge crossings of the natural area consolidate vehicular and utility routing. On each side, all sites have ready access to roads and utilities. Development Area 2 New Industry – Area 3 Natural Area Kiosk Development Plan
Development Plan 3 Bridge Through Natural Area Main Entrance at Imperium Drive and Oak Ridge Turnpike Development Plan 3
View West – Renovare Boulevard A central roadway, Renovare Boulevard, located on the north side of Horizon Center’s stream and natural area provides vehicular access throughout the Center. Two entrance boulevards, Novus and Imperium Drives, provide access from the Oak Ridge Turnpike and intersect with Renovare Boulevard. Dual access to the Center’s larger building sites is afforded by this arrangement. The easements for all utility mains occur within the right-of-ways of these main vehicular routes within the Center. A Norfolk and Southern rail line serving the East Tennessee Technology Park provides access to rail transport to the majority of the acreage in Horizon Center. A new spur can be extended along the back of the Center in close proximity to the larger building sites. Sidewalks adjacent to Renovare Boulevard and Novus and Imperium Drives facilitate pedestrian access throughout the Center. Roads and sidewalks converge at a gathering point at the center of the development that serves as a special destination point for visitors and employees – the Communications Center. The extension of a public bicycle and “greenway” provides an alternate means of access to the Center from the City of Oak Ridge. Renovare at Imperium View West – Renovare Boulevard Renovare at Novus Circulation
Circulation 4 Sidewalk Extension of Greenway and Bike Trail Renovare Boulevard Imperium Drive 2 6 1 B D 7 3 A To Downtown Oak Ridge, TN 5 Oak Ridge Turnpike State Highway 58 4 C North 2000 Feet Novus Drive Sidewalk Extension of Greenway and Bike Trail Existing Oak Ridge Turnpike 4 - Lane Entrance Boulevard 3 - Lane Central Roadway 2 - Lane Access Road Roadway Cul-de-sac Roadway Intersection with Deceleration and Turn Lanes Railroad Spur To I-40 / 75 Circulation 4
Horizon Center offers building sites for a variety of businesses and industries. When high visibility along a major thoroughfare is desirable, 83 acres of frontage sites are available along the Oak Ridge Turnpike, at a location just 6 miles from Interstates 40 and 75. Sites are suitable for a range of facility types from corporate headquarters, to business and manufacturing facilities of up to 200,000 square feet. An additional 333 acres on the north side of the Center’s natural area provides sites for larger facilities of up to 1,000,000 square feet. Rail access is planned to serve up to 273 acres of this area. Dual entrance boulevards spaced approximately 1-mile apart provide access to the Center’s larger tracts. As a part of the East Tennessee Technology Park, Horizon Center provides greenfield sites and infrastructure for new facilities in a high-quality industrial park environment. Nearby, over 3,000,000 square feet of former production plant facilities, with rail and barge access, are available when existing space, or a combination of new and existing buildings best suit business and manufacturing needs. Development Area 2 Development Area 3 Development Area 6 Development Areas
7 6 5 1 4 2 3 Development Areas 5 1 11 Acres 2 30 Acres 3 42 Acres North 2000 Feet 3 1 11 Acres 2 30 Acres 3 42 Acres 4 35 Acres 5 90 Acres 6 148 Acres 7 70 Acres 426 Total Acres Development Areas 5
Path Through Natural Area North Edge Natural Area Within Horizon Center, the preservation of the natural environment is viewed as an asset to marketability and maintaining an exemplary business and industrial workplace. Building sites are situated in areas with lowest ecological value. A Natural Resource Management Plan assures the protection of the highest quality areas. The Horizon Center Natural Resource Management Plan fosters the natural regeneration of native vegetation and animal species. Natural Area corridors connect bottom land and upland areas to satisfy natural migratory patterns of wildlife species. Development and construction traffic is restricted from designated natural areas. Limited vehicular and utility crossing points minimize impact to the natural environment. Path Through Natural Area North Edge Natural Area East Fork Poplar Creek Ecological Assets Management
Ecological Assets Management 6 1 4 2 3 North 2000 Feet East Fork Poplar Creek and Tributaries Natural Area Corridor - 100-Year Flood Plain and/or 100-Foot Stream Buffer Lowland - Highland Connectivity Corridor and Natural Area Buffer Beech and Maple Hardwood Forest Natural Area Bridge Crossing - Road Natural Area Bridge Crossing - Rail Ecological Assets Management 6
Domestic and fire protection water supply comes from a connection at an existing water main located south of the the Oak Ridge Turnpike. The new line is routed north, approximately 600 feet to the north side of the Oak Ridge Turnpike. It then follows along the north side of the Turnpike for approximately 9,400-feet before it enters Horizon Center along the east side of Novus Drive. Service through Horizon Center is routed along the road right-of-ways. This service will provide up to 300 gpm for operational needs and an additional 1,000 gpm reserve for fire protection. As development increases and there is a greater demand for fire protection, plans call for connection to an auxiliary water tank to satisfy increasing water-pressure demand. Future “looped” service is planned with a service connection from the east to the City of Oak Ridge system. Water Utility Corridor Pipe Concealed Beneath Bridge Water Distribution Novus Drive Water Distribution
Water Distribution 7 12” Potable Water Line North 2000 Feet 12” Potable Water Line Future 12” Tie-in from City of Oak Ridge Future Auxiliary Tank and Tie-in Water Distribution 7
Novus Drive Lift Station Sanitary Sewer Service Lift Station Concealed Sanitary sewer service at Horizon Center is provided by tapping into an existing 15-inch line located south of the East Tennessee Technology Park - Heritage Center. This existing line flows to the treatment facility serving the East Tennessee Technology Park. At Horizon Center a force-main leaves a pump station located west of Novus Drive and south of East Fork Poplar Creek. It extends south adjacent to Novus Drive 1,300 feet to the north side of the Oak Ridge Turnpike. The new force-main extends approximately 15,000 feet west from Horizon Center along the north side of the Oak Ridge Turnpike to the Heritage Center connection location. Novus Drive Lift Station Sanitary Sewer Service Lift Station Concealed Sanitary Sewer
Sanitary Sewer 8 Sewerage Lift Station 6” Force Main Sewer Line 2 1 4 3 North 2000 Feet Sewerage Lift Station 6” Force Main Sewer Line 12” Force Main Sewer Line 12” Gravity Sewer Line 8” Gravity Sewer Line Future Tie-in to City of Oak Ridge Treatment Plant Sanitary Sewer 8
Street Lighting at Renovare Transformer Containment Pad Initial electrical service to Horizon Center is provided by extending the existing 13.8 kV, 3-phase, dual primary-feed service, via overhead line from Heritage Center. The line extends approximately 1.7-miles, along an existing transmission line right-of-way through the Wheat Community, to the Oak Ridge Turnpike, then to Horizon Center where electrical service is distributed through underground duct-bank to development sites. This service is satisfactory for the initial phases of development. As further development occurs, or if unusually energy intensive industry is located early-on, an addition to the adjacent TVA Roane Substation is planned to provide for increased demand and redundancy. The addition to the Roane Substation, located between Heritage Center and Horizon Center, will provide electrical service for the long-term needs of the entire East Tennessee Technology Park. Central Switchgear Street Lighting at Renovare Transformer Containment Pad Electrical Distribution
Electrical Distribution 9 North 2000 Feet Phase I Underground Ductbank Phase I Overhead Feeder from Heritage Center Overhead Feeder from Roane Substation Underground Ductbank Electrical Manhole Electrical Distribution 9
Communications Center Fiber optic telecommunications service is provided by extending lines underground from an existing 144 single-mode fiber optic cable tap near the west boundary of Horizon Center. The new fiber optic lines are routed into the Center, then to a terminal building that serves as both a communications and visitor center. Fiber optic service for telephone, computer data lines, cable TV, fire, and security systems is routed along the road right-of-ways to all development sites via six, 4-inch conduits in underground ductbank. Entrance Walk Communications Center Telecommunications Distribution
Telecommunications Distribution 10 North 2000 Feet Phase I Telecommunications Ductbank Underground Telecommunications Ductbank Telecommunications Manhole Communications and Visitor Center Telecommunications Distribution 10
Renovare Gas Utility Corridor Natural gas is provided from an 8-inch, 375 psi pipeline maintained by the Oak Ridge Utility District (ORUD). The existing high-pressure pipeline is routed east along the north boundary of Horizon Center to the northwest corner of Development Area 6. A 6-inch service line is routed south from a regulator station in an easement along the west boundary of Development Area 6 to Renovare Boulevard. Distribution to all other development areas occurs within the right-of-ways of Renovare Boulevard and Novus and Imperium Drives. To achieve future service redundancy, an extension of the high-pressure main along the north boundary, to a connection at a 10-inch high-pressure main along the Oak Ridge Turnpike, is planned by ORUD. Renovare Gas Utility Corridor Eternal Flame Natural Gas Distribution
Natural Gas Distribution 11 North 2000 Feet Existing ORUD 8-inch Gas Main 8-inch Distribution Line 6-inch Distribution Line 2-inch to 4-inch Distribution Line Future 8-inch Connection to 10-inch Main at Oak Ridge Turnpike Regulator Station Natural Gas Distribution 11
Sign Systems Signage criteria is established for all exterior signs within Horizon Center, as well as the East Tennessee Technology Park. Limited consistency among types of signs ensures the perception of the Center as a unified development and a special place. The City of Oak Ridge Zoning Ordinance provides the adopted guidelines for size and number of signs permitted for businesses and industries. In addition, signs incorporate color and text in accordance with specific standards for the Center. Development Entry Signs Two per entry - limited to 40 square feet each and 8 feet in height above ground - indirectly illuminated or non-illuminated - “Pacific Series” as manufactured by ASI Sign Systems, or equal - aluminum face with translucent acrylic letters and back-lighting - seasonal landscaping around base of signs limited to 12-inch height. Signs include a Horizon Center entrance sign at each boulevard and one directional sign at the intersections of the entrance boulevards and the central roadway. Building Signs One ground sign per principal building - limited to 40 square feet display area and 8 feet in height above ground - ground-mounted monument style ASI Sign Systems, Model No. 1023CF, or equal, curved face, internally illuminated or non illuminated - located near the driveway entrance. A second ground sign is permitted for dual entry buildings when entries exceed 500-feet apart - same as above except limit of 5 feet in height above ground. In addition, one wall sign per building at owner’s option - indirectly illuminated or non-illuminated using company’s logo and standard text - no roof-mounted signs or moving signs permitted. Total area of all signs limited to 2 square feet per lineal foot of the front face of the building. Parking and Traffic Signs Parking directions, stop signs, handicapped parking, and visitor parking - non-illuminated - as manufactured by ASI Sign Systems “Pacific Series” (or equal), square aluminum curved face, not to exceed 4 square feet in area, mounted on tubular prefinished aluminum center post, with top of sign 6-feet above the ground. Stop signs - 2-feet square with red octagon and white “stop” letters. Handicapped parking signs - 1-foot square with handicapped symbol. Sign Color and Configuration Standards Building ground signs - horizontal or vertical format - curved metallic faces - Horizon Center standard color. Each face - horizontal graphic band and ETTP logo - Horizon Center standard color - Company identification and /or logo positioned below graphic band using company standard color scheme and text. Signage
Signage 12 Company Sign Company Sign Development Entry Street Signs Horizon Center Progress Boulevard Street Signs ED-1 Site Main Entrance Sign Directional Sign Company Signs Development Entry Park Entrance Signage 12
Horizon Center - Phase One includes the development of on-site and off-site infrastructure for Development Areas 1, 2 and 3. Bridges 1 and 2 are included to provide vehicular access to Renovare Boulevard and Development Areas 4 through 7. Renovare Boulevard and its adjacent utility corridor will provide ready access to subsequent phases of development as well as routing of utility lines. Phasing
North 2000 Feet Phase One Boundary Future Phases Boundary Phasing 13
Horizon Center Development Plan For More Information Please Contact: Horizon Development Corporation 107 Lea Way Post Office Box 2110 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-2110 P 865-482-9890 F 865-482-9891 Revision Date: 20 August 2001