Target Setting and Monitoring CEM Conference 7 June 2011 Target Setting and Monitoring
The MidYIS Computer Adaptive Baseline Test: There are four sections to the test: Vocabulary Maths Non-verbal Skills (e.g. proof reading) They are ‘curriculum free’ The test is a measure of acquired ability There is no preparation for the test
The Computer Adaptive Baseline Test (CABT) In 2009 / 2010 approx 200,000+ students sat the test
C B D A Bands, percentiles, standardised scores… Standardised scores 10 5 20 30 1 40 90 95 80 70 99 60 50
Band Profile Graph: all MidYIS cohort Current Year 10
Band Profile Graph: all MidYIS cohort Current Year 11
Individual Pupil Record CHARLES HAYDN-TAYLOR Individual Pupil Record CHARLES HAYDN-TAYLOR Date Of Birth: 06/01/96 Student Number: 1043340992 Sex: M Form: 3S/IT6 MidYIS Band Stanine Percentile Standard Score Vocabulary A 6 75 110 Maths C 5 46 99 Non-Verbal B 51 100 Skills 7 82 114 MidYIS Score 63 105
Band Profile Graph: all MidYIS cohort Current Year 11
Skills – Percentage in each Band
This boy’s ‘Baseline Suggested Grade’ is grade A Through our progress reporting system teachers are asked to assess his current progress against this BSG and to suggest what the likely outcome is AT THE END OF THE COURSE
Raising false expectations? Accountability?