China's Future Ground-Based Facilities and Synergy with Subaru


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Presentation transcript:

China's Future Ground-Based Facilities and Synergy with Subaru Linhua Jiang (江林华) Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics Peking University (北京大学)

Outline Background China’s future ground-based facilities China’s current facilities China’s future ground-based facilities Optical/near-IR telescopes Other facilities Synergy with Subaru A few examples Summary

Large telescopes in the world

“Large” telescopes in China Lijiang 2.4m + Xinglong 2.16m + several ~1m telescopes Xinglong seeing: ~2” (From Luis Ho’s talk) Xinglong Observatory

“Large” telescopes in China LAMOST 4m A short summary No large telescopes No advanced instruments No infrared capabilities No good sites found yet

China’s future facilities International collaborations China  LSST, TMT, SKA, MSE, …… Domestic facilities NJU 4m survey telescope (talks by Zhou and Shi) USTC 2.5m wide-field telescope (talk by Kong) BNU 1.9m telescope (first light 2022?) SHAO 2m telescope (first light 2022?) Yunnan 1.6m survey telescope (first light 2022?) LOT 12m telescope (first light 10 years later?) 60m-class submm telescope (being planned) 110m radio telescope QTT (start construction soon?) 500m radio telescope FAST (completed) ……

Astronomy @Chinese Academy of Science

NJU 4m survey telescope Led by Nanjing University Schmidt design with multiple corrector lens to gain large FoV Aper: ~3.5m; FoV: ~40 deg2; wavelength: 400~920 nm Details will be given in talks by J. Zhou and Y. Shi

USTC wide-field survey telescope (WFST) NJU 4m survey telescope Led by Nanjing University Schmidt design with multiple corrector lens to gain large FoV Aper: ~3.5m; FoV: ~40 deg2; wavelength: 400~920 nm Details will be given in talks by J. Zhou and Y. Shi USTC wide-field survey telescope (WFST) Led by USTC and PMO Prime-focus with multiple corrector lens to gain large FoV Aper: 2.5m; FoV: ~6.5 deg2; wavelength: 320~1000 nm Details will be given in talk by X. Kong (From Kong’s talk)

BNU 1.9m telescope Led by Beijing Normal University R-C reflector; Aperture: 1.9m First instruments: Multi-color imager and low-R spectrograph Site: Muztag(慕士塔格, elevation 4500m), Xinjiang province Timeline: first light ~2022? (From Jianghua Wu’s talk)

SHAO 2m telescope in Chile Collaborations: SHAO, Taiwan, NAOC, Chile R-C system; Aperture: 2m First instruments: Wide-field IFU, Multi-color imager, and low-R spectrograph Site: Ventarrones (E-ELT candidate site), Chile Timeline: first light ~2022? (From Zhongxiang Wang’s talk)

LOT 12m telescope Large Optical/Infrared Telescope Aperture: ~12m, segmented primary mirror First instruments: Low-R spectrograph, high-R spectrograph, and wide-field multi-object spectrograph (all in the optical) Site: Muztag, Xinjiang province Timeline: expected first light ~2026? 84 1.44m segments. (From Jifeng Liu’s talk)

A 60m-class submm telescope Led by PMO Aperture: ~60m, FoV: 1 deg in diameter Wavelength coverage: 3 – 0.65 mm; R: 12~3 aresecs Site: Tibet (great for submm astronomy) Timeline: being planned 全球平均PWV分布  (2013-2017 10-03)  (From Ji Yang’s talk)

Other telescopes Yunnan Univ. 1.6m survey telescope (start construction soon) XAO 110m radio telescope QTT YNO 8m CGST (Chinese Ground- based Solar Telescope (From Zhong Liu’s talk)

Instrument development – example: NGPS Next Generation Palomar Spectrograph, proposed by PKU Collaborations: PKU, NIAOT, Caltech, NAOC Goals: 1) highest possible efficiency, 2) workhorse instrument for the 5.1m Hale telescope Design: 4-channel, simultaneously cover 365-1050 nm Timeline: first light 2021 (From Haijiao Jiang’s talk)

The U.S. telescopes work as a system across public/private divide Synergy with Subaru The U.S. telescopes work as a system across public/private divide (From Xiaohui Fan’s talk)

Diverse instruments as important as telescopes FOCAS IFU just available.

What we will have and what we will still need In the next ten years Several small telescopes Time-domain facilities …… No large telescopes No high-performance IR instruments Aperture Subaru Telescope

Synergy with Subaru – example 1: HDS  usage of large aperture and high-R Extremely metal-poor stars from LAMOST

Synergy with Subaru – example 1: HDS  usage of large aperture and high-R Extremely metal-poor stars from LAMOST A Lyman-Limit System at z=1.54 with logN(HI)~18 from the first complete high-z CI absorber sample (Ledoux+ 2015, Zou+ 2018) Gas is the remnant of Carbon-Enhanced-Metal-Poor stars? Current data from X-shooter not enough, need higher-R data. This could be the first CEMP-LLS

Synergy with Subaru – example 2: MOIRCS  usage of large aperture and IR capability High-redshift quasars and galaxies: very faint, UV/opt  IR z>6 quasars (Jiang et al. 2016) z>7 galaxy (Stark et al. 2017)

Synergy with Subaru – example 3: PFS  usage of large aperture and large-FoV multi-obj spec. Survey of high-redshift Lyα emitters to understand early galaxy evolution and cosmic reionization Lyα emitters at z ~ 5.7 observed with Magellan M2FS (1 deg FoV, multi-fiber spectrograph, 6-h integration) (Jiang et al. 2016, 2017)

Synergy with Subaru – other examples Follow-up observations of transient targets

Summary Chinese astronomy lacks modern observing facilities We expect to see a rapid development in the next several years, but will still lack large-aperture telescopes and infrared instruments A strong desire for collaboration with Subaru (via EAO) is obvious