North Carolina Annual District Deputy Organizational Meeting Good Morning Gentleman, As your new State Fund Raising Chairman I Present you with the 2020 State Raffle fund Raiser. Here are a few things you should know about this years fund raiser, and the changes we have made, to improve your ability to sell more tickets than before and raise more money for each and every one of your councils. As we all know the importance of this Raffle ticket sales event. And what it means to the State council and all of the Knights here in the Great State of North Carolina. Please enjoy this short presentation and help those programs who depend on us for their support. Vivat Jesus. North Carolina Annual District Deputy Organizational Meeting
Agenda Why we have a State Raffle $$$ Key Dates for selling/collecting tickets What’s the process for a successful campaign July 13 - July 15, 2018
Don’t Panic … We’ve simplified the process Agenda Don’t Panic … We’ve simplified the process July 13 - July 15, 2018
Why the State Holds a Raffle Helps to cover State Expenses Keeps Per-Capita Down In last 20-years, only went up 1 time Raises funds for the Council’s use Last year the Councils that participated shared in over $78,000. Think about all the good this money can do for the Church, Council, Life, Community, Family, and Youth programs. There were 10 councils that did not participate. The State Council took in about the same but subtracted expenses. That’s over $156,000 dollars. My goal for the State and Councils for 2019. I see no reason the State and the Councils can split $200,000. However, it will not happen if: If we don’t let every council know what they can do with this money and why it is important for them to join in. If we don’t properly train the chairmen and GKs. SIDE NOTE: Our Hispanic participation increased 10 fold since we printed the reverse side of the ticket in Spanish. That was a recommendation from the 2017 chairman Joe Baummer. July 13 - July 15, 2018
Key Dates for State Raffle Distribution Dates: Ticket packets will be distributed to RDD/DD in August 2019 (hopefully in the first week). RDDs/DDs needs to distribute to Councils in August 2019 (around August 15th to 20th) Council Selling Dates: Begins sales ASAP in 2019. Council Collections of Sold Tickets: Completed by April 20th 2020 Council Meeting or not. Councils Submit tickets and council checks to DDs by April 20th, 2020. DDs to Submit tickets and council checks to RDDs by April 22rd, 2020. All tickets sold in bundles of 100 with Councils checks as payment only ( @ $2.50 per ticket). Remaining bundles less than 100 must be tagged on the number of tickets in that bundle. . RDD/DD Submission to State Chairman Shipped no later than April 24th, 2020. Raffle Drawing May 2nd, 2020 at State Convention 1. We have found that we can start the raffle earlier than we ever have. I will issue the ticket packets as early as I can in August 2019. The Councils must receive their packets immediately following but no later than the end of November. 2. Councils should start their ticket sales as soon as they receive their packets but not without the proper training. If Councils stick with this schedule, they will have 8 months to sell the tickets. More than this and everyone will loose interest. Since most councils end their sales at one of their meetings, there is no reason all tickets, money and forms can’t be turned in to the DD by April 20th 2020. That means before you initial the Green Council Returns sheet, you review everything and ensure they have completed all the necessary forms, and turned in the correct amount. If you stay on top of the councils and ensure they are using the White Council Resolution sheets, they won’t be any problems. This is not a “DROP AND RUN” on the Council’s or your part. RDDs are to have all their Council and DD submissions shipped to me no later than April 23rd, 2019. There will be no exceptions since everyone will be given more time than in the past. Plus return bags and Fedex return box package complete. July 13 - July 15, 2018
Process to be Followed for Success Council Training Collection Ticket Distribution There are 3 key areas to the Raffle process and we will discuss each. July 13 - July 15, 2018
RDD/DD Ticket Distribution RDDs receive DD/ Council packets State Raffle Chairman will coordinate distribution All tickets to RDDs/DDs will be completed by Aug 1-7th , 2019 Upon receipt of Council packets: RMPC/DD to distribute their Councils by Aug 15-20 2019 Either at Council meeting or individually REMINDER: Must be in hands of Council by Aug. 20 2019 RMPC/DD Distribution Sheet (Will already be listed in pre documented package by State fund raiser chairman) Already filled out for RDD. Standard yellow Sheet) You will receive your Council’s packets as early in October as possible. Immediately distribute them to the Councils so they can get started, but no later than the end of November. NOTE: The RMPC/DD Distribution Sheet (Yellow Sheet) – Will be pre filed with SFRC. Copy to RDD. No White sheet for you. 1. monitor the councils and encourage and assist whenever possible. 2. collect all returns INCLUDING Council checks, sold ticket stubs banded in packs of 100, the signed GREEN “Council Returns” sheet, and the Council WHITE “Council Ticket Resolution” sheets used to account for all tickets sold and unsold and verify everything is there and correct. 3. DO NOT INCLUDE ANY UNSOLD TICKETS!!!!! Councils are to dispose of these properly either by burning or shredding them. 4. DDs- Collect all Council raffle packages by April 20th, 2020 and turn in to RDDs by designated date of by April 22nd 2020. RDDs will have a prepaid return package to send all SOLD TICKETS and CHECKS back to SFRC Bob Martin. July 13 - July 15, 2018
Collection Ticket Information Council Ticket Information: We will average the last 2 years sales for each council and add a few more tickets to those who were close to selling all they received. So this year I will give each RDD and DD a Pre made package of each council’s Tickets and sheets required for this years Raffle. Each will be marked for each council #, how many tickets were issued to them, the ticket series of the tickets issued. It will also include the Rdd’s return Fedex package for April 23rd deadline. I will do this via Special delivery Fedex to the RDDs for distribution as soon as I’ve put everything together. (Hopefully first week of August). July 13 - July 15, 2018
Council Training All Councils will need to be trained on selling and reporting of ticket sales: Make sure the GK has appointed a Council Raffle Chairman DO NOT let your GK Chair this program Make sure GK understands his responsibilities Ensures process is being followed Forms, signatures and money collection Make sure Raffle Chairman understands his responsibilities Tickets distributed Encourage continual ticket selling Tracking of tickets Collection of tickets and money/checks. All forms are filled in PROPERLY I thought since we’ve run this raffle for around 20 years that everyone knew what needed to be done, and more importantly, WHY. We have a great team of enthusiastic experienced knights ready to move tickets already trained and easy to learn from. Therefore, RDDs, DDs, GKs, and Council Chairmen need to be trained. Call me or email me to discuss that training. 828-226-2047 or Make sure the GK appoints a chairman right away, so they both can be trained ASAP. This training does not have to wait for the tickets to arrive. I have copies of the documents they need with me today, by council. GKs should not be allowed to chair this program. They have way too much to do to run this program and certainly don’t have the time to do it justice. GKs and Chairmen must understand their responsibilities and are following the procedures. Don’t just “drop and run” !!!! Constantly check with them. Sell the raffle to the members. Part of your monthly visit and presentation. July 13 - July 15, 2018
Collection Process This part of the process is not JUST collecting sold tickets and money. There is paperwork that needs to be done properly. We do get audited, and these forms are what document our activity. Let me repeat – we can be audited by the NC gaming commission and if we don’t have all the documents available for their review, we could be faced with a fine and worse – they may take away our ability to continue the raffle. I can tell you that I don’t want them to audit 2019 - 2020’s raffle documentation. Keep your pencils sharp. Fill out the 3 easy forms is all you need and return with council checks. Its easy Baby! Example – If you have a Council member that was your biggest seller. Work with him on how he did it. If not contact me and I will walk you through it or work with you on tips to sell and Inspirational in council prizes you can offer to your best sellers. I will have the remaining documentation required that is already pre filed and listed. Your concentration is selling and keeping a record of what you sell. I will do the rest. July 13 - July 15, 2018
TICKET RESOLUTION SHEET -- 2019 Collection Process Documenting the distribution of tickets Filling in the WHITE RESOLUTION SHEET Who the seller is and their ticket numbers What tickets were sold/not sold Let’s talk about the one document no one wants to use or turn in. First, why is this form so important? It’s a way to track the tickets as they are issued. Who has them and you can ensure they turn back all the sold tickets and money by the due date to the chairman. Which they need to establish before they ever issue any tickets and since they have more months to sell, they should be able to establish an April in house due date prior to the final April 20th DD due date. It is also a document that will be required if we are audited. Any other reasons you can think of ????? TICKET RESOLUTION SHEET -- 2019 (White) Ticket Set 100 XX Council # 770 * Seller Sold/Not Sold 00 John Smith Sold 25 50 75 01 26 Not Sold 51 76 02 27 Select 52 77 03 28 53 78 04 29 54 79 July 13 - July 15, 2018
Collection Process Documenting the distribution of tickets Filling in the WHITE RESOLUTION SHEET – Electronic Version Who the seller is and their ticket numbers What tickets were sold/not sold If the electronic version of this form is used it will populate the Council Returns sheet for you and let you know how much to make out the Council check for. Print it out and return with the green sheet. Councils will need to date the Green Sheet, GK add his name to it, and the DD/RDD add their initials and save everything with the council name in the name of the file. Print out the Green sheet tab and put it with the ticket stubs. Send a copy of the spreadsheet to me. In the return zip Ticket Set 100 XX * Seller Sold/Not Sold 00 John Smith Sold 25 01 26 Not Sold 02 27 Select 03 28 04 29 July 13 - July 15, 2018
Collection Process Documenting the distribution of tickets Filling in the WHITE RESOLUTION SHEET – Manual Version Who the seller is and their ticket numbers What tickets were sold/not sold Ticket Set 100 XX * Seller Sold/Not Sold 00 25 01 26 02 27 03 28 04 29 However, I also understand that some chairmen cannot use the electronic version for whatever reason. Therefore, they must use the manual version. What I will try to do is give them one sheet for every 100 tickets issued with the ticket series and council number preprinted at the top. This will come with the tickets. July 13 - July 15, 2018
Collection Process Filling out the forms Council Returns Sheet (Green Sheet). DO NOT LOSE THIS SHEET. Do not return unsold tickets!! Councils are to dispose of these properly either by burning or shredding them. Bundle sold ticket stubs in batches of 100 and they DO NOT have to be in numerical order. The following must be turned in to the DD by April 20th, 2020. We STRONGLY recommend all council ticket sales be collected no later than your April Council Meeting( if your meeting is after April 20th then, yes turn them in by the end of March. (we should be able to figure that one out). This Green sheet signed by the Grand Knight and initialed by either the DD or RDD (in the absence of a DD). This is their affirmation that everything is correct and all documentation is included. The White Council Resolution sheets reflecting all tickets issued to the Council as sold or not sold in the appropriate column. We recommend you also use this form showing who you issued which tickets to. This will help you track and communicate with those who have tickets to sell. All sold tickets bundled in batches of 100 with a rubber band, but you do not have to put them in numerical order. Please label with the number of stubs for any bundle that does not have 100 stubs in it. A Council check made payable to “Knights of Columbus NC State Council” that equals $2.50 times the total number of tickets sold. CASH or PERSONAL CHECKS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. Or your council could lose out on everything and so will we. RDDs to have these packages ready to ship to the SFRC by April 23rd 2020 July 13 - July 15, 2018
Raffle Prizes FIRST PLACE -- $5,000 CASH SECOND PLACE -- $4,000 CASH THIRD & FOURTH PLACE -- $500 CASH EACH FITH AND SIXTH PLACE -- $400 CASH EACH SEVENTH PLACE -- $200 CASH Councils must turn in their SOLD tickets, COUNCIL Checks, the GREEN Council Returns Sheet and Council Resolution Sheets to the DD or RDD (in the absence of a DD) by April 20, 2020. Do not include unsold tickets. The Council must either burn or shred all unsold tickets. Late submission of tickets will not be accepted after April 20th and definitely not at the Convention. NO HOWEVER’s No Late tickets. Winning tickets will be drawn on May 2nd, 2020 at the Convention banquet. Ticket holders need not be present to win. WINNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TAXES. Gentleman with this smooth and streamlined version you will have plenty of time to set your goals and sell like you have never sold before. Help your brothers set new records and shine. You could be the winning council in your division to receive a bonus from the state of $400.00 extra back to your council. If we break the 50,000 ticket mark it will be $500.00 to each division winner. Make us all be proud to be Knights. Also talk to me about in house perks for the council member who sells the most tickets in your council. July 13 - July 15, 2018
Let me first ask you a couple of questions: Will you take an active part in the raffle this year? Will you properly train each of your council chairmen and GKs? Will you come to me if you have any questions at all? Now for your questions: If for some reason I can’t answer your questions now, I will get back to you ASAP. Brothers, as leaders in this Great Organization, let’s commit to working together and with the councils to make this the best year ever for the State Raffle. Are you with me????? Lets show the programs we support how important they are to all of us as brothers in Christ. Vivat Jesus! July 13 - July 15, 2018