AUG. 22, 2017.


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Presentation transcript:

AUG. 22, 2017


Goal 1: Increase awareness of Vision Zero to influence safe behaviors on our roadways What’s been done… Facebook page created to broaden the reach of the Vision Zero message #visionzero813 Met with community leaders to recruit their support Bike/Walk Tampa Bay !p Innovation District County Commissioners City Council Members Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority Florida Greenways TBARTA HART Private Businesses Citizens Advisory Committees Neighborhood & Civic Associations Urban Land Institute Publications – 83 Degrees Media articles s/vision-zero.aspx One Message, Many Voices

Goal 1: Increase awareness of Vision Zero to influence safe behaviors on our roadways What’s underway… *Priority Action* Developing a broad-based marketing strategy to mobilize people around the idea of Vision Zero Cox PSA Bucs promotional materials Bumper stickers Holding a Tampa Bay Safe Streets Summit (scheduled for Feb. 2018) Creating a Speakers Bureau with a calendar of speaking engagements One Message, Many Voices

Goal 1: Increase awareness of Vision Zero to influence safe behaviors on our roadways What’s next… Incorporate Vision Zero into City of Tampa Neighborhood University curriculum Provide governmental staff an orientation on Vision Zero Incorporate Vision Zero into elementary, middle, and high school curriculum Develop a coordinated program to brand Vision Zero-consistent projects One Message, Many Voices


Goal 2: Engage with victims of traffic violence and their families to provide them a support system and a platform for their voices to be heard What’s been done… Attended Tampa General Hospital’s Day of Remembrance for Trauma Victims in May 2017 Attended Ride of Silence in May Created videos interviewing victims or their families of traffic violence to share their stories One Message, Many Voices

What’s underway… *Priority Action* Goal 2: Engage with victims of traffic violence and their families to provide them a support system and a platform for their voices to be heard What’s underway… *Priority Action* Creating a Families for Safe Streets local chapter Holding a walk or march in remembrance of those who have lost their lives due to traffic violence October 6 One Message, Many Voices

Goal 2: Engage with victims of traffic violence and their families to provide them a support system and a platform for their voices to be heard What’s next… Hold a press conference on Vision Zero with families of victims of traffic violence Work with media and hospitals to identify methods for learning about the victims of crashes Create an online memorial to victims of traffic violence One Message, Many Voices

WHAT YOU CAN DO Share the message of Vision Zero with family, friends, & colleagues Follow our Facebook page Join the Speakers Bureau Attend the walk/march in remembrance of victims October 6 Visit Sign the Vision Zero Pledge Share Your Story One Message, Many Voices


Goal 1: Leverage capabilities and existing resources of Community Traffic Safety Team as a community law enforcement partnership What’s been done… Discussions among law enforcement officials and other CTST members to develop a realistic and sustainable approach Identification of achievable Vision Zero actions/initiatives Consistent & Fair

Goal 1: Leverage capabilities and existing resources of Community Traffic Safety Team as a community law enforcement partnership What’s underway… Planning CTST Vision Zero workshop Recruiting/expanding involvement of area law enforcement agencies into Vision Zero Reviewing other states’ legislation providing higher fines in safety-priority areas Mapping highest crash corridors and analyzing crash data Consistent & Fair

Goal 1: Leverage capabilities and existing resources of Community Traffic Safety Team as a community law enforcement partnership What’s next… Draft framework, including purpose and planned activities, to strengthen the data-driven and community-oriented approach to enforcement Convene periodic meetings of Public Information Officers (PIOs) from law enforcement, MPO, and County/Cities Develop Media Plan and approach for community-oriented enforcement news events Consistent & Fair


Goal 2: Establish Vision Zero “Consistent & Fair” Corridor Program What’s been done… Conducted street audit of Hillsborough Ave – a top 20 severe crash corridor Prepared and review geospatial data for fatal and serious injury crashes Identified a limited number of corridors with substantial numbers of fatal and serious injury crashes Documented in Vision Zero Action Plan Consistent & Fair

Goal 2: Establish Vision Zero “Consistent & Fair” Corridor Program What’s underway… Forming stakeholder committees to provide more focused attention and input into each of the designated Vision Zero corridors Refining geospatial data to target specific locations, times of day, and contributing factors in Vision Zero corridors Encouraging law enforcement partners to provide resources at locations most often affected by fatal and serious injury crashes Hillsborough Avenue Consistent & Fair

Goal 2: Establish Vision Zero “Consistent & Fair” Corridor Program What’s next… Work with CTST to identify key themes and messages Develop signing strategy to identify Vision Zero corridors, including messages that traffic laws are strictly enforced Announce designation of Vision Zero corridors Conduct targeted enforcement; monitor outcomes for fairness and consistency Consistent & Fair

WHAT YOU CAN DO Provide comments regarding safety issues along high-crash corridors Volunteer to join stakeholder committees to provide input into each of the designated Vision Zero corridors Participate in “Open Streets” and other community-oriented Vision Zero traffic safety events Spread the word about why traffic enforcement is critical along Vision Zero corridors Consistent & Fair

Paint Saves Lives – GOAL 1

Goal 1: Raise driver awareness of people walking and biking by using high-visibility markings on the transportation network What’s been done… Demonstration project on the Bullard Parkway bridge over the Hillsborough River Volunteers painted a new green bike lane in less than an hour Paint Saves Lives

What’s underway… *Priority Action* Goal 1: Raise driver awareness of people walking and biking by using high-visibility markings on the transportation network What’s underway… *Priority Action* Installing murals at high- crash intersections near schools City of Tampa Paint the Intersection Program Installing green bike lanes and other countermeasures along high-crash corridors Seminole Heights Paint Saves Lives

Goal 1: Raise driver awareness of people walking and biking by using high-visibility markings on the transportation network What’s next… Install crosswalk markings where missing or in poor condition Hold high school contests to design traffic box wraps Paint Saves Lives

Paint Saves Lives – GOAL 2

Goal 2: Implement low-cost treatments to improve the safety of the roadway, particularly for vulnerable users What’s been done… *Priority Action* Integrating safety improvements, such as bike lanes and crosswalks, into roadway resurfacing and reconstruction projects Platt Street, City of Tampa Paint Saves Lives

Goal 2: Implement low-cost treatments to improve the safety of the roadway, particularly for vulnerable users What’s underway… Engaging interested neighborhood organizations or civic groups to hold events around pop-up treatments for traffic calming Adding Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPI) to signalized intersections, to give pedestrians a 3-7 second safety head start Start LPI 5 seconds later Leading Pedestrian Interval (Bearss Ave & 22nd St) Paint Saves Lives End LPI

Goal 2: Implement low-cost treatments to improve the safety of the roadway, particularly for vulnerable users What’s next… Narrow or reduce vehicular travel lanes in high severe crash corridors if supported by traffic volumes Palm Avenue, City of Tampa Paint Saves Lives

WHAT YOU CAN DO Organize a neighborhood event around a pop-up treatment Find opportunities to integrate low- cost, high-impact safety treatments into transportation projects Coordinate with private sector partners to invest in safety improvements or events Paint Saves Lives


What’s been done… Identified priority Vision Zero corridors Goal 1: Update polices, standards and procedures to foster a culture of safety in planning and design of the transportation system What’s been done… Identified priority Vision Zero corridors Severe crashes involving All modes People walking or biking Aggressive driving Dark, no lighting conditions FDOT Complete Streets Policy, Handbook & Design Manual The Future Will Not Be Like the Past

Goal 1: Update polices, standards and procedures to foster a culture of safety in planning and design of the transportation system What’s underway… Developing context classifications and target speeds within identified Vision Zero corridors, consistent with FDOT Complete Street guidelines Enhancing requirements in transportation technical manuals related to safe and connected transportation facility design The Future Will Not Be Like the Past

Goal 1: Update polices, standards and procedures to foster a culture of safety in planning and design of the transportation system What’s next… *Priority Action* Enhance requirements in local Land Development Codes related to safe and connected transportation facility design Revisit and update Maintenance of Traffic Plan policies related to bicyclist and pedestrian mobility considerations Provide professional training opportunities for safe, context supportive and flexible roadway design The Future Will Not Be Like the Past


What’s been done… Many multimodal safety improvements, such as: Goal 2: Create a safe multimodal transportation system through good design, lighting, and connected facilities What’s been done… Many multimodal safety improvements, such as: Fletcher Avenue Complete Street Cass Street cycle track Platt Street / Cleveland Avenue Tampa Riverwalk Selmon Greenway Fletcher Avenue, Hillsborough County The Future Will Not Be Like the Past

What’s underway… *Priority Action* Goal 2: Create a safe multimodal transportation system through good design, lighting, and connected facilities What’s underway… *Priority Action* Installing new LED lighting in corridors with severe crashes under dark or unlit conditions FDOT & local governments implementing lighting strategies Plant City Collins Street complete street Collins Street complete street The Future Will Not Be Like the Past

Goal 2: Create a safe multimodal transportation system through good design, lighting, and connected facilities What’s next… Construct new bicycle & pedestrian facilities in locations with high crashes and network gaps Evaluate implementation of modern roundabouts at intersections with high crash occurrences Improve safe access to high activity bus stops with high numbers of severe crashes involving people walking and biking 40th Street Roundabout The Future Will Not Be Like the Past

WHAT YOU CAN DO Integrate safety as part of your agency culture Engage your colleagues and local agency partners to review and update Land Development Codes & transportation manuals Identify opportunities for safety strategies within all transportation improvement projects Facilitate or participate in training opportunities The Future Will Not Be Like the Past

Vision Zero Pledge I pledge to: Stay calm and practice safety. Pay attention. Slow down. Travel sober. Remember. Every driver, passenger, person walking and bicycling is someone’s loved one. I want to protect my loved ones and come home safely.

Enter the Raffle! Win tickets to Bucs vs. Atlanta Falcons Monday Night Football game December 18 Take the Vision Zero pledge by December 3 Drawing will be held at December 5 MPO meeting