TN History Final Project
You will explore our county’s history by visiting and researching at least 4 county historical markers. You will turn in the completed project in the form of a PowerPoint. Each PowerPoint should include: A picture of the marker WITH YOU IN IT!!! If you are not in it, then points will be deducted. 2 paragraph essay or 5 bullet points about the marker and why that event was important to our county/state’s history If you choose to do more than 4 signs, you will receive extra points. Directions
Most famous haunting in TN Only documented case of a ‘ghost’ killing a person Has brought national attention to Robertson Co. via movies/videos/plays/etc. Bell family moved to Adams during the early 1800’s Andrew Jackson visited to make his own judgement about the legend. Example…Put the name of the marker as the title of the slide. Also, you need to be in the pic!