West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey Geographic Information Systems at the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey Presented by John M. Bocan Introduction: Name, GIS Programmer/Analyst, WVGES June 8, 2010 1
The West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey has the objective of… “The preparation of special reports, with necessary illustrations and maps, which shall embrace both a general and detailed description of the geology and natural resources of the state...” - WV Code, §29-2-5 (d) 1897 since Since it's inception by leg-is-la-tive code in 1897, the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey was charged with the objective of providing special reports, illustrations and maps to give description of geology and natural resources of and to the state. 2
Since then… Oracle Adobe Creative Suite Microsoft Visual Studio Software Tools, Suites, Environments at WVGES Oracle Adobe Creative Suite Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft IIS Web Server ESRI’s ArcGIS: ArcMap (ArcView, ArcEditor, ArcInfo, Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst, Geostatistical Analyst) ArcSDE ArcIMS Map production has come a long way since then, and the Survey has continued to serve the general and professional public throughout the years. The majority of our 30 or so geologists have a moderate to advanced level of GIS expertise to achieve their work. Several GIS technicians and programmer/analysts aid our operations by: providing further processing of spatial data; utilize various database systems; devise custom, in-house applications for staff and public to access data; design interactive web mapping applications for spatial data viewing. --All of this through various software tools, suites, environments. 3
WVGES’ Most Popular Web Applications: Interacts with Oracle, ArcSDE, ArcIMS via ASP.NET and PHP “Pipeline-Plus” 253,567 page views for 2009 ATG Core Viewer 118,173 page views for 2009 The majority of these data are severed to the public via our popular “pipeline-plus”, Appalachian Tight Gas portal, Mine Information Database System or “MIDS”, [ concurrently along with our many interactive web mapping applications ] Our main work consists in the areas of coal, oil and gas, general geology along with special research projects. MIDS 66, 616 page views for 2009 4
Coal Bed Mapping Program (CBMP) The Coal Bed Mapping Project (CBMP), is nearing completion for creation of a geologic, coal resource web GIS for West Virginia. 5
Coal: 78 Interactive Maps! Pittsburgh Coal IMS The popular All Coal IMS 60,192 page views for 2009 78 interactive map services provide access to not only geologic features but to mine map images and mine data through MIDS. The recent addition of the “All Mining” IMS has proven to be popular with the public , It gives a general overview of mining methods. The user can then view more detailed information via links to a specific coal bed IMS. Detailed coal bed information arranged by geologic stratigraphy. 6
and is our spatial front-end to “pipeline-plus”. West Virginia Oil and Gas (WVOG) is our latest IMS introduced last June and is our spatial front-end to “pipeline-plus”. Together, they both have become a very useful, powerhouse informational web portal. The IMS alone accounts for over (one hundred ninety thousand) 190,000 views for the 2nd half of 2009. This combined application won last year's WV OIT Award for excellence in the “Government to Business” category. 192, 619 pages views for 2009 7
As many of you know, Marcellus Shale is in the news. We continue to add and develop a web presence for this important gas find. 57,327 pages views for 2009 8
We are also involved in regional study beyond our borders through DOE sponsored projects. The 3 year Appalachian Tight Sands Gas Project (ATG) provides a unique geologic play-specific data center on low permeability gas reserves for both the states of West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Its IMS is our most complex to date providing 163 features in 210 layers! And this is only 6 out of 20 plays for the state! It also won a 2009 OIT award for “Collaboration across Boundaries” 9
Geologic Mapping: Digital Geologic Mapping, especially the STATEMAP project, continues to work toward providing modern, 1 to 24K, detailed, geologic maps for re-source assessment, environmental studies, and land use determinations. 10
- - Prototype - - It's been long overdue. We are working on a proto-type, interactive, geologic map for the state. Phase 1 will involve the 1968 map. We hope to release Phase 1 later this year. Further phases will employ current research. 11
National Park Service Units in West Virginia along with nearby State Parks The new National Park Service Mapping Project is a collaboration among [government and academic entities which includes] WVGES, USGS, WVU and Concord University to map the surficial and bedrock geology of the Gauley River, New River Gorge and Bluestone River regions. The geodatabase deliverable, adhering to FGDC, USGS and STATEMAP standards, will in the future be seam-less-ly integrated within the existing National Park Service GIS. 12
Our Newest Project “The NGDS is a distributed network of databases that are collectively building a system for acquisition, management and maintenance of geothermal and related data.” - From NGDS. Currently, 46 states, including West Virginia, participate in this project lead by the Arizona State Geological Survey The Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) has stimulated the Survey with two new projects: Within the past few weeks, the Survey embarked upon involvement in The "National Geothermal Data System" (NGDS) which is a consortium of federal, state, and academic institutions under the auspices of the Department of Energy to foster the growth of geothermal in the nation's energy portfolio. 13
ARRA: Broadband Mapping Project Result of “Phase 1” for the April 30, 2010 deliverable. Also through ARRA, The Broadband Mapping Project, under the WV Office of the State GIS Coordinator and in cooperation with the state Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, and with the aid of Kimball Services, the Survey has completed phase 1 in developing a statewide coverage map which will provide a comprehensive view of current broadband infrastructure, deployment, and service availability in the state. 14
Upper Big Branch Mine Lastly, we all were horrified with the recent Big Branch mine disaster in Raleigh County. As part of the investigation, the Survey is charged with the construction of a 3-D geologic model of the Big Branch Mine vicinity. Particular attention will be on Devonian Shale faults, coal elevations and thicknesses, drill holes and gas wells—especially old and shallow wells. 15
The West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey http://www.wvgs.wvnet.edu Our diverse scientific research and work continues. All of what was mentioned here could not and can not be achieved without the sophisticated tools and environment of GIS in conjunction with the technical expertise of those who use them. We are your Survey and we hope to continue to serve you and the state, both now and in the future, with the objectives set for us back in 1897. 16