STATISTICS derived from the Latin word STATUS, Italian word STATISTA, German word STATISTIK, and French word STATISTIQUE which express one meaning “ Political State ”.
STATISTICS a mathematical process of collecting, organizing, analyzing, and interpreting data.
STATISTICS refers to the body of technique or methodology which has been developed for the collection, presentation, and analysis of quantitative data and for the use of such data in decision-making.
A psychologist or educationist computes statistics (mean, median, mode) from statistics (numerical facts) by statistics (statistical methods).
SCOPE OF STATISTICS 1.DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS helps to organize and summarize observations. includes collection, tabulation, and interpretation of data. organizes, simplifies, and describes the body of data (distribution).
Examples: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS students taking Psychology were selected on the basis of their scores in an entrance test. pupils who belong to the Science Section were chosen based on the results of their Achievement Test.
SCOPE OF STATISTICS 2. INFERENTIAL STATISTICS relates to a particular group of individuals. deals with samples selected from a population. observes the characteristics of samples. estimates the corresponding value of the population.
SCOPE OF STATISTICS 2.INFERENTIAL STATISTICS use statistical analysis to test the hypotheses; it makes claims about the population.
Examples: INFERENTIAL STATISTICS studying the IQ of the First Year College students of SPUP – take a sample from the whole student population (First Year). looking into the Multiple Intelligences of Paulinians
SCOPE OF STATISTICS 3. ANALYTICAL STATISTICS the data are collected and statistically interpreted from a single group. if it is not compared with another, it has no meaning. so, analysis is often compared between two or more sets of data.
Examples: ANALYTICAL STATISTICS studying the correlation between Intelligence and Achievement of students studying the Parenting Styles and Personality Type of Children
SCOPE OF STATISTICS 4. INDUCTIVE STATISTICS a phenomenon is observed on the basis of partial data which helps to forecast on the basis of available information that helps to generalize on the basis of random observations.
SCOPE OF STATISTICS 5. APPLIED STATISTICS statistics which are used and applied in the field of real life to understand the problems and facts. it provides a real picture of the phenomenon.
CHARACTERISTICS OF STATISTICS 1.Statistics is numerically expressed. “The passing rate of the Psychology Exam results in SPUP is good”. Seventy percent (70%) of the students who took the exam made it. The result is good.
characteristics such as intelligence, attitude, aptitude, and interest of an individual cannot be expressed statistically unless numerical assignment is given.
CHARACTERISTICS OF STATISTICS 2. Statistics is the aggregate of facts. a single figure or fact cannot be considered as statistics even if it is numerically expressed. The result of a particular school is 40%-50% since the last three years.
CHARACTERISTICS OF STATISTICS 3. Statistics is affected to a market extent by multiplicity of causes. a single figure or fact cannot be considered as statistics even if it is numerically expressed. School board passing rate is affected by the intelligence of the students, efforts of the subject-teachers, institutional climate, and supervisory role of the headmaster/coordinator/dean.
CHARACTERISTICS OF STATISTICS 4. Statistics is enumerated according to reasonable standard of accuracy. facts and figures can be derived in two ways – by actual counting and measurement or by estimation. at least 70% or 82 out of 95 passed the board exam for psychometrician. it should give an accurate informations.
CHARACTERISTICS OF STATISTICS 5. Statistics is collected in a systematic manner. it should be reliable and valid and not lead to erroneous/fallacious conclusions.
CHARACTERISTICS OF STATISTICS 6. Statistics is collected for pre-determined purpose. data collection should be purposive before conducting an enquiry. irrelevant data which are not related to the enquiry should not be collected. Enquiry – a quest for knowledge and information. Inquiry – also a quest like enquiry but more in the form of a formal investigation.
Examples: artistic knowledge is not necessary for an athletic performances of a student. literary knowledge is not necessary for solving mathematical problems.
CHARACTERISTICS OF STATISTICS 7. Statistics is facilitating for a comparative study. results of the collection of data are expressed in facts and figures. it helps the future researchers in their current study.
CHARACTERISTICS OF STATISTICS 8. Statistics is an art of scientific application. questionnaires and interview schedules are prepared by an investigator/researcher. it is definitely treated as an art of scientific approach because the data collected are to be statistically interpreted to get a conclusion.
IMPORTANCE OF STATISTICS IN EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY 1. Statistics is an interdisciplinary subject. knowledge of psychology is applied in the field of Art, Literature, Science, Education, Philosophy, and Medicine. fundamentals of statistics are to be understood by all.
IMPORTANCE OF STATISTICS IN EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY 2. Statistics helps to conduct research at advance level of learning. experimental design is fundamental for any scientific research work which cannot be prepared without the knowledge of statistics.
IMPORTANCE OF STATISTICS IN EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY 3. Statistics develops scientific bent of mind. the results found by different tests give a conclusion which is inductive by nature. Hence, the general conclusion becomes a truth or a principle. Inductive procedure leads to develop a scientific bend of mind.
IMPORTANCE OF STATISTICS IN EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY 4. Statistics helps the professional researchers. the researcher/teacher/investigator help scholars in conducting research in different fields. It helps the researcher to enter deeply into the problem and analyze situations with statistical interpretations.
IMPORTANCE OF STATISTICS IN EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY 5. Statistics helps in educational measurement and evaluation. evaluation is a continuous and comprehensive procedure to test the performance of students in various fields. Knowledge of statistics is essential for educational measurement and evaluation.
Utility of Statistics in Educational Measurement 1.To interpret scores. a raw score has no meaning if it is not converted to a derived score. with the help of Statistics, the raw score is converted to a standard score or derived score. a score of 80 in an Achievement Test has no meaning unless it is compared with mean and SD of the group.
Utility of Statistics in Educational Measurement 2. To compare scores. scores are compared with other groups to provide a clearer picture how far the group is better than others and how much. scores of two different schools are to be compared with the help of Statistics.
Utility of Statistics in Educational Measurement 3. To construct test. Statistical knowledge helps one to follow procedures like Item Analysis. 4. To know the individual differences of students. different types of tests are developed to measure the traits of individuals, hence statistical methods determine the differences.
Utility of Statistics in Educational Measurement 5. To render guidance. Statistical knowledge helps to construct and interpret the different test results for future guidance and counseling. 6. To predict future performance.
Utility of Statistics in Educational Measurement 7. To make selection, classification, and promotion. entrance test is conducted to know the pre- requisite knowledge to enter a course which is also considered as placement evaluation – leads to formative evaluation – selection is made to give promotion for higher classes.
Utility of Statistics in Educational Measurement 8. To compare the function and working of one institution with another. Statistics not only compares the performances of one individual with groups, but also the achievements of other institutions in terms of enrolment, board exam results, laboratory equipments, etc.
Utility of Statistics in Educational Measurement 9. To keep various types of records and publish relevant statistics. documents are kept for future references and publications. informations are presented in the form of statistics and it will be easier to interpret.
Utility of Statistics in Educational Measurement 10. To conduct research in the field of education. a researcher prepares different types of questionnaires, scales, check lists, and inventories to collect data. Statistics is not only used for interpretation of data but also for preparing the tools for collection of data.
Conclusion: STATISTICS helps in a dynamic, adoptable, and enterprising progress in every field of human life.