Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, and Gennifer Flowers Dillon Argo Autumn Boothe
People Involved Bill Clinton Gennifer Flowers Paula Jones Monica Lewinsky
Paula Jones Paula Jones is a former Arkansas state clerk who accused at the time he was governor of Arkansas in 1991 she was summoned to his room at a hotel in Little Rock by a state trooper. She then said that he dropped his pants and to her to “kiss it.” She then claims that she refused and was then told to keep quiet about it. She says that she was then demoted at work when she went public with this incident. She filed a formal complaint against President Clinton in May 1994 alleging sexual harassment and defamation of character, asking $700,000 in damages.
Paula Jones Cont.. The following August, Clinton's lawyers filed a motion to dismiss Jones' suit citing presidential immunity. The district judge ruled that Clinton could not stand trial until leaving office, but then after the investigation into the allegation could proceed. Jones appealed and in 1996 won the right to proceed trial to supreme court. Clinton then filed a request to delay the trial until he left office, and the timing of the decision coincided with the 1996 election, bought Clinton a reprieve. After the several other alleged “incidences” congress began the impeachment process in 1998 and a divided house of representatives impeached him on December 19. The issue then passed to senate, where after a 5 week trial, he was acquitted.
Monica Lewinsky Monica Lewisnky is a woman with whom United States President Bill Clinton admitted to having had an "inappropriate relationship" while she worked as an intern at the White House in 1995 and 1996. When Lewinsky was hired in 1995 after graduating Lewis & Clark college she began working during Clinton's first term she began a personal relationship with him, the details she confided to her friend and co-worker at the defense department, Linda Tripp, who secretly recorded their phone conversations.
Monica Lewinsky cont. Monica Lewisnky claimed to have 9 sexual encounters with then President Bill Clinton between November 1995 to March April 1996 Lewinsky's superiors moved her job to the pentagon because they felt she was spending too much time with President Clinton. According to UN Ambassador Bill Richardson when asked to interview Lewinsky for a job on his staff at the UN. Richardson did this and offered her a position which she declined
Monica Lewinsky . It was alleged that Richardson knew more about the scandal than he confessed to the grand jury. In January 1998 Lewinsky submitted an affidavit form in the Paula Jones case denying any physical relationship with Clinton. She also persuaded Tripp to lie under oath in this case as well. Now armed with evidence of Lewinsky's admission of a physical relationship with Clinton, he broadened the investigation to include Lewinsky and her possible perjury in the Jones case.
Gennifer Flowers Gennifer Flowers came forward during Bill Clinton's 1992 Presidential campaign alleging she had had a 12 year relationship with him. At first she denied this, but later changed her story. Clinton also denied that he had this relationship on 60 minutes.
Gennifer Flowers cont.. After this happened Flowers held a press conference where she played recordings of phone conversations she secretly recorded with Clinton. It was alleged that the recordings could have been doctored. In trial under oath, Clinton testified that he had only one sexual encounter with Flowers in 1977, and it has not been proven exactly what took place during this encounter.
Works Cited BBC News, June 1 1998. BBC ton_scandal/49771.stm Wikipedia. Org