[Your Name] [August 2018] [Your Name] [August 2018] Your School Logo
What is Vidigami? Vidigami is a private & secure, cloud-based collaborative media management platform. It gives our community a window into everything happening at our school.
How it works Auto tagging, manual tags and linking albums are our key to success with Vidigami! Auto tagging takes time and is dependent on manual tagging. Once the system learns the face it can auto tag. Campus wide starts when we upload student pictures. We need to encourage everyone to tag the people they know for this to be successful. There are 7 categories for content: Internal (private), Academics, Athletics, Arts, Events, Clubs and Off-Campus. Groups are created in each category and members added to each group. Students and Parents are members of “Class of XXXX” groups. Albums live in groups, and group members have access to those albums. Our community members (faculty/staff, students, parents) are given access as a Spectator, Contributor, Manager or Administrator Parents are tied to students (so see their children on their feed first when they are tagged). Any media you tag of the student will be pushed to the parents.
How it works Managers and Admins can create groups and albums; Contributors can create albums only Group examples: HST Charlie Brown Varsity Football Robotics Album examples: Washington DC Theater Tech GB v. Faith Baptist, Bakersfield Competition When tags are applied at the group & album level, pictures and videos uploaded to that group or album is automatically tagged
How it works Vidigami is a secure system – only our members are invited. They can sign in via vidigami.com or through the parent and staff portals as well as the Vidigami mobile app. Parents can Opt-Out of Vidigami – any media tagged under their child will be automatically moved into a private folder that only admins can see.
How to access and use Every faculty member will be given access to Vidigami in the next few days. (All teachers are managers) Create groups and albums for your classrooms, field trips, events, clubs – you name it! Create tags for each group and album Link your groups and albums to the “Class of xxxx” to ensure community sees your photos on their feed first Add members to team sports, fine arts and clubs groups ( this way they will be prioritize in the feed for those members) Upload pictures and short videos to albums Tag faces Tag artwork (you can add a photo to a student’s portfolio by tagging them as the Creator. This is available under more info when viewing an image or video).
Let’s take a look! www.vidigami.com
How to get trained A B Vidigami User Guide handout Vidigami Helpful Tips Vidigami YouTube channel has videos Vidigami Support Center Contact me at [name@org.com] B
Next steps… Play around with Vidigami Add some photos or videos Ask for help or clarification Rollout to parents and students after we have some content up – September timeframe