Systems of Measurement – Imperial – Shootout!


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Presentation transcript:

Systems of Measurement – Imperial – Shootout! Students compete (1v1 in pairs or in teams, at their tables or at the front) to answer questions the quickest. Students could write on your whiteboard or their own. Delete too difficult/easy question slides beforehand (and its individual intro slide). Click anywhere to start the music, then click ‘Go’ to show the question, then click again to show the answer. This game has sound!

Shootout! Imperial

Correct Answer = 1pt Fastest! = 1pt

Ready? Go!

2 feet = ________ inches 24

Ready? Go!

4 yards = ________ feet 12

Ready? Go!

4 pounds = ______ ounces 64

Ready? Go!

300 feet = ________ yards 100

Ready? Go!

32 ounces = ______ pounds 2

Ready? Go!

48 inches = ________ feet 4

Ready? Go!

24 pints = ______ gallons 3

Ready? Go!

2 miles = ________ yards 3520

Ready? Go!

42 pounds = ______ stone 3

Ready? Go!

7040 yards = ________ miles 4

Ready? Go!

8 stone = ______ pounds 112

Ready? Go!

2 tons = ______ pounds 4480

Ready? Go!

3 gallons = ______ pints 24

Ready? Go!

22,400 pounds = ______ tons 10 Questions? Comments? Suggestions? …or have you found a mistake!? Any feedback would be appreciated . Please feel free to email: