EggsIncubatorCaring for Eggs Baby Chicks Parts of A Chicken Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final JeopardyJeopardy
$100 Question from Eggs What is a chicken egg shell made of?
$100 Answer from Eggs Calcium
$200 Question from Eggs What does the ALBUMEN provide the embryo?
$200 Answer from Eggs Protein
$300 Question from Eggs What is the white looking spot on the yolk where the baby chicks begin to grow?
$300 Answer from Eggs Germinal Disc
$400 Question from Eggs DOUBLE JEOPARDY What are the CHALAZAE?
$400 Answer from Eggs 2 twisted cords that hold the yolk in the center of the egg
$500 Question from Eggs What is the purpose of the inner and outer membranes?
$500 Answer from Eggs They protect the inside of the eggs from bacteria or germs.
$100 Question from Incubator What is the purpose of an incubator?
$100 Answer from Incubator To keep the eggs warm
$200 Question from Incubator What is the best temperature for the incubator?
$200 Answer from Incubator 100 degrees
$300 Question from Incubator How many times should we turn the eggs a day?
$300 Answer from Incubator 3 times – an odd number
$400 Question from Incubator How do we maintain humidity in the incubator?
$400 Answer from Incubator Keep water in a pan
$500 Question from Incubator Name the 4 factors that are very important to insure the success of hatching eggs.
$500 Answer from Incubator 1. Temperature 2. Humidity 3. Ventilation 4. Turning Eggs Regularly
$100 Question from Caring for Eggs DOUBLE JEOPARDY Why do we put water in the incubator?
$100 Answer from Caring for Eggs This prevents the eggs from drying out
$200 Question from Caring for Eggs Why do we candle the eggs?
$200 Answer from Caring for Eggs To check if the egg is fertile and look at the growth of the embryo
$300 Question from Caring for Eggs Why should we turn the eggs?
$300 Answer from Caring for Eggs So the embryo doesnt stick to the shell membrane and die
$400 Question from Caring for Eggs What happens if the temperature rises to 104 degrees?
$400 Answer from Caring for Eggs The embryo dies.
$500 Question from Caring for Eggs Why are there ventilation holes built into the incubator?
$500 Answer from Caring for Eggs To provide oxygen to the developing embryos
$100 Question from Baby Chicks How long does it take for a baby chick to hatch?
$100 Answer from Baby Chicks 21 days
$200 Question from Baby Chicks DOUBLE JEOPARDY How do chicks break out of their shells?
$200 Answer from Baby Chicks They use an egg tooth.
$300 Question from Baby Chicks How do chicks look when they hatch?
$300 Answer from Baby Chicks They are wet.
$400 Question from Baby Chicks What do we do with the baby chicks after they hatch?
$400 Answer from Baby Chicks We put them in a box with a warm light, straw, food, and water.
$500 Question from Baby Chicks Why are there channels in the water pan?
$500 Answer from Baby Chicks So the chicks wont drown.
$100 Question from Parts of A Chicken What is a chicken covered with?
$100 Answer from Parts of A Chicken feathers
$200 Question from Parts of A Chicken Where can you find the COMB on a chicken?
$200 Answer from Parts of A Chicken On the top of its head
$300 Question from Parts of A Chicken Where is the WATTLE on a chicken?
$300 Answer from Parts of A Chicken Under its beak
$400 Question from Parts of A Chicken How many shanks does a chicken have?
$400 Answer from Parts of A Chicken 2
$500 Question from Parts of A Chicken DOUBLE JEOPARDY Name a part of the chicken that is found on the head. You cant choose beak, wattle, comb, or eye.
$500 Answer from Parts of A Chicken Ear Lobe
Final Jeopardy What is the definition of Embryology?
Final Jeopardy Answer The study of embryos!