The main idea for our logo would be the ‘TAP’ because it stands out by the colour and the style of font. This would appeal to the youth. We have used a bright colour for the logo key visual signifier. We made sure that there were no other objects on the campaign posters with that colour. We made the background black so the key visual signifiers stand out. We made the font modern so it stands out towards today’s youth. The key message for our logo is towards the youth and to try and make sure that the truancy statistics is reduced. As ‘TAP’ stands for ‘Truants Aren’t Protected’, this is trying to get the message across that anything could happen. The key visual signifier is the ‘TAP’ because it is the first object the viewer would see on the page because it is the largest and the single image on this logo. This links to the signifier because the message is clearly shown beneath the writing. The message is short and should make sense to all youths. TRUANTS AREN’T PROTECTED.
The key idea is to try and encourage students not to truant because there is a problem as it could make it worse. The key visual signifier is the sign the student is holding. This is how the student is represented and it tells the story beneath. The specific message was the story told in the writing. A story about an innocent girl being bullied and felt the need to truant. This poster is trying to show that you can tell someone instead of making yourself more visible. This is related to the signifier because she looks innocent. Other visual signifiers would be the student, the way she is sitting looking up at the camera to look innocent but she did something wrong.
The key idea is to prevent truants from being harassed by the consequences of truanting. Another signifier would be the expression on the students face because it’s showing how a truant feels after they have faced the consequences. The key visual signifier is the colourful paper because they stand out and they make the viewer understand the consequences of truanting. The specific message is to stop truanting before you get in too deep and drown in the schools consequences. Like the other two posters we have used red fonts for the key words we feel should stand out and the viewer should take in. The signifier and the message relate because they are the consequences of truanting.
The key idea is not to try and scare truants with a story but to warn them but giving them a little bit of reality. The other key signifier is the question asked directly towards the viewer. It is aimed that they answer that after they take in the information on the poster. The key visual signifier is the student in the background because that student tells the story and warns other truants. I have used red for the key words that I feel should stand out because they are important in order for the viewer to understand the story. The specific message we are trying to get across is that there are concequences to your actions. In this case, she was kidnapped. This is related to the signifiers because that is the girl that got kidnapped and that is how innocent she looked.