Statement of intent Key Stage: 3 Subject: Maths Academic Year: 2019-20 The Maths Department at Canons High School follow the Edexcel 5 year scheme of learning that is purposefully designed to create a strong foundation of knowledge and allow a seamless transition from KS3 to KS4 where students follow the Edexcel (9-1) GCSE and to prepare students for the demands of KS5. Students start Year 7 being taught in their mixed ability tutor groups. We will spend the first four weeks doing a variety of tasks and activities specifically designed to assess students prior knowledge and ability levels. This includes a series of baseline tests (a 20 minute aural test, a one hour non-calculator test and a one hour calculator test). These tests will take place at the end of the 4 week period). After this time and assessment, students are moved into sets so that teaching can be tailored to their needs and prior knowledge. Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. The Maths Department at Canons High School, in line with the National Curriculum, seeks to provide a high-quality mathematics education that therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. Aims : The aims of the KS3 Curriculum at Canons, in line with the National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils: become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
Curriculum Overview Key Stage: 3 Subject: Maths Academic Year: 2019-20 Unit content Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 7 1.1 Tables and pictograms 1.2 Bar charts 1.3 Grouped data 1.4 Mode and modal class 1.5 Range and median 1.6 Mean 2.1 Adding 2.2 Subtracting 2.3 Multiplying 2.4 Dividing 2.5 Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 2.6 Using the four operations 2.7 Positive and negative numbers 3.1 Using functions 3.2 Function machines 3.3 Simplify expressions 3.4 Writing expressions 3.5 STEM: Using formulae 3.6 Writing formulae 4.1 Real-life graphs 4.2 Coordinates 4.3 Graphs of functions 4.4 STEM: Scientific graphs 5.1 Number rules and relationships 5.2 Multiples 5.3 Multiplication 5.4 Division 5.5 Solving problems 5.6 Factors and primes 5.7 Common factors and multiples 6.1 Estimates and measures 6.2 Decimal numbers 6.3 Metric units 6.4 Adding and subtracting decimals 6.5 Rounding 6.6 Multiplying and dividing decimals 6.7 FINANCE: Calculating with money 7.1 Right angles and lines 7.2 Measuring angles 7.3 Measuring angles 7.4 Drawing and estimating angles 7.5 Putting angles together 8.1 Shapes 8.2 Symmetry in shapes 8.3 More symmetry 8.4 Regular polygons 8.5 Perimeter 8.6 Area 9.1 Comparing fractions 9.2 Equivalent fractions 9.3 Calculating with fractions 9.4 Adding and subtracting fractions 9.5 Introducing percentages 9.6 FINANCE: Finding percentages 10.1 Reflection 10.2 Translation 10.3 Rotation 10.4 STEM: Congruency Assessment Feedforward questions are used to help students correct and/or further their learning and help the teacher understand students’ learning better End of Unit assessments Feed forward questions End of term test based on all topics from the Autumn term End of term test based on all topics from the Spring term End of year test. All topics
Curriculum Overview Key Stage: 3 Subject: Maths Academic Year: 2019-20 Unit content Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 8 1.1 Adding and subtracting with larger numbers 1.2 More calculations 1.3 Negative numbers 1.4 STEM: Writing ratios 1.5 Using ratios to solve problems 1.6 Multiplicative reasoning 2.1 3D solids 2.2 Nets of 3D solids 2.3 Surface area 2.4 Volume 2.5 Working with measures 3.1 Data collection sheets 3.2 Interpreting bar charts 3.3 Drawing bar charts 3.4 STEM: Pie charts 4.1 Simplifying expressions 4.2 Functions 4.3 Solving equations 4.4 Using brackets 5.1 Adding and subtracting decimals 5.2 Multiplying decimals 5.3 Ordering and rounding decimals 5.4 STEM: Problem-solving with decimals 6.1 Measuring and drawing angles 6.2 Vertically opposite angles 6.3 Angles in triangles 6.4 Drawing triangles accurately 6.5 Designing nets 7.1 Squares, cubes and roots 7.2 Calculating with brackets and indices 7.3 LCM and HCF 7.4 Prime factor decomposition 8.1 Generating sequences 8.2 Extending sequences 8.3 Special sequences 8.4 Position-to-term rules 8.5 Finding the nth term 9 Fractions and percentages 9.1 Comparing fractions 9.2 Fractions of amounts 9.3 Adding and subtracting fractions 9.4 Fractions and percentages 9.5 Calculating percentages 9.6 STEM: Percentages and proportion 10.1 The language of probability 10.2 Outcomes 10.3 Probability calculations 10.4 Experimental probability 10.5 FINANCE: Comparing probabilities Assessment Feedforward questions are used to help students correct and/or further their learning and help the teacher understand students’ learning better End of Unit assessments End of term test based on all topics from the Autumn term. End of term test based on all topics from the Spring term. End of year test. All topics