Specific recognition of HOM-MEL-40/SSX2-derived p103-111 pulsed targets by p103-111 stimulated T-cells from patients with HOM-MEL-40/SSX2 positive breast cancers (A) and HLA-A*0201 positive healthy controls (B). Specific recognition of HOM-MEL-40/SSX2-derived p103-111 pulsed targets by p103-111 stimulated T-cells from patients with HOM-MEL-40/SSX2 positive breast cancers (A) and HLA-A*0201 positive healthy controls (B). IFN-gamma production was measured by ELISPOT assay, as determined after three weeks of stimulation (i.e. after sensitization with peptide on days 1, 7 and 14). An HLA-A*02 binding, but non-immunogenic peptide from human helicase (p148-156) served as a negative control. The numbers of IFN-gamma spots per 25,000 T-cells arising from a reaction against target cells and SSX2 p103-111 (black), as well as against target cells and control peptide (white), are shown for each donor. Claudia Wagner et al. Cancer Immun 2003;3:18 Copyright © 2003 by Michael Pfreundschuh