Figure 1. Chloride channel-3 (CIC-3) expression in breast tumor tissues. (A) Chloride channels (ClC-1–7, CFTR) are expressed in human breast cancer tissues from clinical postoperative patients, as indicated by qRT-PCR mRNA analysis. The data are presented as relative fold changes in breast cancer tissues versus normal tissues. (B) Expression of ClC-3 was examined by western blotting, (C) ClC-3 protein is expressed in breast cancer tissues. The result shows a significant increase in ClC-3 expression in breast cancer tissues vs. normal tissues.CFTR=cystic fbrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; qRT-PCR=quantitative real - time polymerase chain reaction; mRNA=messenger RNA; GAPDH=glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase. *p<0.01 vs. control. Figure 1. Chloride channel-3 (CIC-3) expression in breast tumor tissues. (A) Chloride channels (ClC-1–7, CFTR) are expressed in human breast cancer tissues from clinical postoperative patients, as indicated by qRT-PCR mRNA analysis. The data are presented as relative fold changes in breast cancer tissues versus normal tissues. (B) Expression … J Breast Cancer. 2018 Jun;21(2):103-111.