eDAMIS – Statistics of usage 16th Meeting of the Working Group of Local Coordinators for Data Transmission 13-14 March 2006 Agenda Item 10 eDAMIS – Statistics of usage V. Tronet 2
Statistics on the usage of the data transmission tools What will be presented: Main reports available in DTC Reports available on CIRCA Main reports available today in eDAMIS Other reports available tomorrow in eDAMIS Suggestion: Detailed annual report per country FAQ Conclusions
Main reports available in DTC (1/4) + Clear view about situation and annual evolution in each country + « First transmission of dataset occurrences » => retransmissions not counted + 3 months period => limit impact of monthly evolutions (e.g. end of months = week end)
Main reports available in DTC (2/4) + Clear view of the main transmission channels - no evolution
Main reports available in DTC (3/4) + Clear view of the main formats - no evolution
Main reports available in DTC (4/4) + View of the main formats + Evolution
Report available on CIRCA (eDAMIS Help Centre) Extract + Detailed report + Complete view on one year + Comparison per country - Difficult to exploit (totals, …)
Reports available today in eDAMIS (1/2) Data file traffic of “Road A1 Q” received between Feb and April 2005 (extract)
Reports available today in eDAMIS (2/2) Dataset occurrences of “Road A1 Q” received between Feb and April 2005 (extract) Volume and number of files
Reports available in future in eDAMIS Missing information: what has not been sent after the maximum delay what is expected in the next period what is the quality of the data files received global indicators (including SEP coverage indicator) by country, organisations, Statistical domains, ... Solutions: CVD Manager integration: timetable – see point 12 validation engine: report results of the validation integrated with the data file and dataset occurrence traffic further development of the MIS
Suggestion: detailed annual report per country (1/3) Goals: give each Local Coordinator a complete picture of data transmission from his/her country details for the NSI & overview for the other organisations of the country clean/update the database (users, groups, …) detect bad practices improve coverage of the SEP
Suggestion: detailed annual report per country (2/2) Contents (first ideas): list of organisations, transmission means, obligations to send (datasets) and SEP coverage (by country, organisation and statistical domain) by NSI users, for each dataset linked, how many have been sent and last date of transmission detect too many retransmissions, transmission modes used (email, eWA, eWP), bad envelopes, problems in content validation, format issues, delays, … comments to highlight the main strengths and areas of possible improvements
FAQ and issues obligations to send not yet taken into account => lower SEP coverage ratio for Countries with less obligations (Situation will improve with update of dataset inventory) eDAMIS almost exclusively covers NSI and NCB => lower SEP coverage ratio for decentralised countries (situation will improve with availability of eWP to upload data files for small Organisations) multiple retransmissions: situation already satisfactory: they are not counted in dataset occurrences and coverage ratios
Conclusions all reports will be integrated into eDAMIS (eWP-MIS) improvement of the relevance of the reports => Up to date dataset inventory (obligations to send and sending Organisations) All transmissions covered by eDAMIS (eWP). most important indicator: SEP coverage ratio improvement of the coverage ratio, good practices and up to date database => need to provide clear reports at the National and NSI levels always possible to produce ad-hoc statistics based on the tracking of what has been received and the dataset inventory. Interesting ad-hoc statistics could be integrated into the MIS later on.