Meaning of proper names in Harry Potter. Проект выполнила ученица 6 «А» класса Гимназии №21 г. Тюмени Черкашина Елизавета
Chapter 1. proper names and meaning Onomastics is the study of proper names, from the Greek word onoma, `name`. Proper names are a very important part of our lives. We all have personal proper names, and we live in streets and towns with their own proper names. Our pets may have proper names, as may any spiritual beings we believe in. We may change our names at important points in our lives. We may spend ages deciding what proper name, or how many, to give our babies. So proper names are, or have become, meaningless, or at least they don't `mean` in the way that ordinary words mean. If a name appears to consist of ordinary words, there may be a problem in equating what it apparently means with what it can refer to.
The Golden trio Harry James Potter Ron Bilious Potter Hermione Jean Granger
Harry potter The joy of Harry Potter’s name was that it so ordinary for someone who did so much, but when we dig deeper, it seems a very good name for the Boy Who Lived. The name Harry is a form of the name ‘Henry’, a name which belonged to many English monarchs. Leadership goes deep in him; Harry was a leader in the golden trio and the star of Griffindor Quidditch team. Harry is also sounds like Old German word ‘Heri’ which means ‘army’. If we follow this theory, author gave him this name because Harry Potter was a founder of Dumbledore army. The last name "potter" is a common English, Dutch, and northern German name that refers to, well, people who make pots.
Ron weasley `Ronald` which is Ron`s full name was made from the Norse name `Rögnvaldr` which means a helper. In the book he is Harry`s sidekick and the best friend. "Bilius" — who is Ron's uncle — sounds like the word "bilious," which means "full of bile." That could refer to a liver disorder, but it also sometimes means "ill-tempered," in a reference to the four temperaments of the Greek humors, which is more likely. Ron isn't exactly emotionally mature. As for "Weasley," it sounds a lot like "weasel," which isn't a popular animal. Rowling herself likes them. [1].
Hermione granger Hermione Granger is very hard to pronounce. Joanne Rowling wanted to make her name unusual because she didn't want a lot of little clever girls to be teased if the book will be published. And her fear was really expected because in the beginning of the main character`s friendship Ron and Harry laughed at her and didn`t want to be friends with her because she loved to learn and to do homework in Hogwarts. Her surname is both French and English name. It also means an occupation that belongs to farmers who worked with grain. First version of her surname was `Puckle`, but I thing that Hermione Granger sounds better than Hermione Pukcle and Joanne Rowling made a right choice. “Hermione” means “well born,” “earthy,” or “stone” and refers to peony-type flowers. It is the feminine version of Hermes. In Greek mythology, she was often known as the patron saint of high magic (no surprise our Hermione is so gifted).
Albus persival vulfric brian Dumbledore HAS A MEANING ON ALL OF HIS 5 NAMES
Meaning of proper names in Harry Potter. Remus Lupin Minerva McGonagall
Meaning of proper names in Harry Potter. Dolores Jane Umbridge Rubeus Hagrid
Северус снейп
Enemies Draco Malfoy Bellatrix Lestrange (Black)
Voldemort (Tom marvolo riddle)
conclusion I chose this topic because a name - is the first impression about a book character or a person. I made sure it because name can tell us some information about a person. Using the internet and books I knew that Joanne Rowling took names for her characters from Roman and Greece mythology, for example, Remus, Minerva, from the history: Mcgonagall, Harry, sometimes she made up the names by herself: Hermione. She made up a tradition for the Blacks family to name their children after stars, Bellatrix, Sirius, Andromeda, Regulus. Joanne K. Rowling tried to give a sense to characters of `Harry Potter` books. She wanted to compare them to the history people, famous people, with Gods. With their characters. It can be concluded that It is very interesting to know a history of names and to compare them to the characters of people.