Plan S: Making full and immediate Open Access a reality M25 Directors’ Briefing, 24th June Robert Kiley, cOAlition S Coordinator
Agenda Consultation exercise Summary of Plan S and key changes Current partners Working with key stakeholders Future activities Questions
Feedback Responses: 344 Institutional and 263 Individual Individuals: 213 researchers, 15 librarians, 35 others
Responses all online
Plan S: Built on strong principles No publication should be locked behind a paywall OA must be immediate, i.e. no embargo periods No copyright transfer; publication under a CC BY license by default Transparency about pricing and contracts Funders commit to support publication fees at a reasonable level Multiple routes to OA compliance Commitment to assess research outputs based on their intrinsic merit and NOT venue of publication
Implementation guidance – key changes (1) Timeline extended by one year: Calls published as of 1 January 2021 onwards Transformative arrangements will be supported until 2024 Options for range of transformative arrangements are supported Transformative agreements, transformative model agreements, and ‘transformative journals’) Greater clarity on compliance routes: cOAlition S supports a diversity of business models Plan S is NOT just about Gold OA
Multiple routes to compliance
Implementation guidance – key changes (2) Funders commit to implement DORA principles when undertaking research assessment Greater emphasis on the transparency of OA publication fees to inform potential standardisation and capping of payments Option to request a CC-BY-ND licence as an exception Technical requirements for journals, platforms and repositories revised (and simplified)
cOAlition S: alignment of Open Access policies National European funders: Austria: FWF Finland: AKA France: ANR Ireland: SFI Italy: INFN Luxembourg: FNR Netherlands: NWO Norway: RCN Poland: NCN Slovenia: ARRS Sweden: FORMAS, FORTE, VINNOVA UK: UKRI European funders: European Research Council European Commission Charitable foundations: The Wellcome Trust The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global dimension Jordan: HCST Zambia : NSTC African Academy of Sciences The Government of India Sao Paulo Statement : AmeLICA, SciELo, African Open Science Platform, OA2020, cOAlition S Coordinated action with OA2020
Working with key stakeholders: publishers In active discussions with publishers – such as the Society Publishers’ Coalition and Springer Nature – to explore Plan S-compliant publishing models
Working with key stakeholders: publishers …other journals supporting “green” (at least as an interim model)
Working with key stakeholders: learned societies Wellcome and UKRI, in partnership with ALPSP are funding a study to explore alternative business model for learned society publishers Key deliverable will be the development of a model transformative agreement and implementation framework
Working with key stakeholders: ECR’s Working with researcher groups to ensure we understand their concern and find ways of mitigating them Seeking to work with GYA on developing indicators to measure impact of Plan S on ECR’s
Working with key stakeholders: universities
Working with key stakeholders: other OA initiatives Plan S is clearly acting as a spur to encourage a transition to OA – as witnessed by the upsurge in transformative agreements
Other activities Formal governance structure for cOAlition S established Working to engage more research funders to align their policies with Plan S – the appointment OA Champion will help with this Seeking to establish a Secretariat to help coordinate and support future activities Established a network of Ambassadors
Working together to deliver OA Plan S is one part of wider open science movement, looking to move the dial in terms of providing OA to the scholarly literature To fully deliver on its ambition – to make full and immediate OA a reality – we need a global coalition of funders, but also institutions, researchers and publishers