HATCHERY OF EGG MANAGEMENT Prof. Romziah Sidki, Ph.D. drh. 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

HATCHERY OF EGG MANAGEMENT Prof. Romziah Sidki, Ph.D. drh. 2011

HATCHERY EQUIPMENT : Incubator Setter = Incubator that useful for 17 days incubation Hatcher = Incubator that useful for 17-21days incubation Regulator : Adjustable temperature

Hatchery term Fertile Egg: egg belong to matting hen & by 21 days incubation process, it be hatch to d.o.c Fertile Egg: blastula egg, it means when ova position the egg in blastoderm stage. Fertile Egg: egg belong to matting hen with cockerel around 30 hours before (fertility Max : 2-6 days after matting), spermatozoa be able to life in oviduct up to days 6-10 days after matting, the eggs still fertile Infertile Egg: consumption egg, egg belong to unmating hen.

Hatchery term Fertility Hatchability Mortality during hatchery process Candling : observation of egg on 6-7 days and days to observe the embryo condition Egg Index: length/wide X 100%

HATCHERING PROCESS: * NATURAL & ARTIFICIAL Hatchering Process : 1. Settering 2. Hatchering Successfull hatchering proccess depend on: - Temperature - Humidity - Sanitation - Ventilation - Controlling

Hatchery Process 1. Collecting eggs * Selection of eggs - Fumigation : to protect invasion of m.o. - Fumigation material : Formalin 40 %, Potassium Permanganat ( per 100 cubic : 35 cc formalin & 17,5 gr KMnO4)

Hatchery Process 2. Holding Room 1.Collecting eggs - selection of eggs - Fumigation : to protect invasion of m.o. - Fumigation material : Formalin 40 %, Potassium Permanganat ( per 100 cubic : 35 cc formalin & 17,5 gr KMnO4)

Hatchery Process 3. Pre Heat Adaptation Room: to prevent embryo from shock condition Approximately 6 hrs in room temperature

Hatchery Process 4. Setter: Duration length : 18 days - Temperature 97° – 99° F - Take parallel places with 45° angle - humidity: 86 % - low humidity (82-85%) : crawl feather - high humidity(87-88%) : difficulty to hatch, because of linkage mucous - Turning egg : automatically, every 1 hrs, to keep embryo develop completely. - Provide air fan with rating: rpm (to distribute the warm air

Hatchery Process 5. Transfer Moving from setter stage to hatchery incubator Candling of egg with TL 40 Watt lamp Infertile egg (clear chick), take out from incubator When transfer of fertile eggs, hatchery room must be fumigated with KMnO4 (triple doses

Hatchery Process 6. Hatchering 3 days (days 19th-21th hari) Fumigation every day with double doses Increasing humidity of hatchery room by 0,2° F Coloring (Blower) : by formalin 200cc and add some water 400° cc brawniest on d.o. and it keep up to 5-7 days

Hatchery Process 7. Pool Chick DOC (Day Old Chick) do to: - sexing - De beaking - Marek Vaccination (layer) sub cutanaeus around cervical area - Selection : take out abnormally form of beak, blindness, smooth & smaller wing, crawl feather, botak, un symmetric legs, dried leg, omphalitis, wet feather) - The good quality of d.o.c. were placed in cartoon then ready for market.