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Do you know another name for Pancake Day? Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Day Shrove Tuesday is the day when we eat pancakes. This is the last day before the Christian time of Lent. In olden days Christians did not eat many foods such as milk, eggs and fats during Lent. They did not waste food so before Lent began, they had a feast using all the food that would go bad before they could eat it again. Pancakes were a dish that used up the foods by adding some flour.
Shrove Tuesday around the world In Slovenia, Croatia and Sardina, they eat pastries called Fritoli and Zeppole.
Shrove Tuesday around the world Mardi Gras - ‘Fat Tuesday’ In countries such as Mexico, Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday is celebrated with a parade.
At this time, our days get longer and it is the start of Spring Time. What is Lent? The 40 days before Easter is known as Lent. (We don’t count the Sundays.) At this time, our days get longer and it is the start of Spring Time.
When does Lent begin? Lent begins the day after pancake day. The last day ends with Palm Sunday. According to the Bible. Lent is the day when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and people waved palms leaves at him and laid them at his feet.
Why does Lent last for 40 days Jesus went to the desert for 40 days and nights. He didn’t have any food or water. The devil came and tried to make Jesus eat and drink. He made Jesus lots of promises but Jesus said NO!
What happens during Lent? Lent is a time when Christians give up something special like chocolate. This reminds them when Jesus went into the desert, wasn’t tempted by the devil and gave up food.
Feeling Tempted
Temptation 1 What are you tempted to do? What should you do? You are really proud that your sister has Justin Bieber’s autograph, but no one at school believes you. Your friend says that you should pinch the autograph from your sister’s room and bring it to school to show everyone. What are you tempted to do? What should you do?
Temptation 2 What are you tempted to do? What should you do? A bully is picking on a new child at school. You know it’s wrong, but are scared that if you don’t join in with the name calling the bully might start picking on you. What are you tempted to do? What should you do?
Temptation 3 You have been saving up for ages to buy a new toy. One day on the play ground you find a £5 note. What are you tempted to do? What should you do?
If you give something up for Lent. What would it be?