Vocabulary Week of May 20th – May 24th Goal: To learn a new word, its part of speech, and to use it correctly in an original sentence.
Vocabulary Word of the Day Monday, May 20th allude
In his speech, the candidate alluded to his opponent’s lack of military experience. Please guess the definition… - to make an indirect reference; to hint at allude is a verb synonyms: mention, indicate antonym: explain Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day fathom
It is sometimes difficult to fathom the motivations behind another person’s actions. Please guess the definition… - to understand something after much thought fathom is a verb synonyms: comprehend, understand antonym: misunderstand Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day Tuesday, May 21st placate
If only I had made a sincere effort to placate her, this fight could have been avoided. Please guess the definition… - to make someone less angry or hostile placate is a verb synonyms: pacify, calm antonym: rile Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day pretext
Molly produced a convenient headache as her pretext for leaving work early. Please guess the definition… - a false reason, deceptive excuse pretext is a noun synonyms: excuse, con antonym: truth Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day Wednesday, May 22nd aura
She immediately decided to rent the apartment because she had a good feeling about it after experiencing its aura. Please guess the definition… - the atmosphere or quality that surrounds or is generated by a person, place, or thing aura is a noun synonyms: vibe, mood antonym: N/A Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day burgeon
The population burgeoned in the suburbs surrounding the city when the new company moved in. Please guess the definition… - to become greater in extent, volume, amount, or number burgeon is a verb synonyms: grow, increase antonym: decrease Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Study these words for this week’s quiz: burgeon allude aura sublime pretext billet placate anguish fathom annihilate
Vocabulary Word of the Day Thursday, May 23rd caustic
His caustic remarks as a comedian were funny, but only if they didn’t apply to you personally. Please guess the definition… - marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings caustic is an adjective synonyms: acrid, cutting antonym: kind Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day debacle
After the debacle that was the surprise birthday party, she vowed never to host another event again. Please guess the definition… - something that has failed debacle is a noun synonyms: disaster, catastrophe antonym: godsend Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day Friday, May 24th elicit
His offensive jokes elicited boos from the crowd His offensive jokes elicited boos from the crowd. Please guess the definition… - to draw forth or call out (a response or information) elicit is a verb synonyms: evoke or extract antonym: neglect Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.
Vocabulary Word of the Day elude
The millionaire had been eluding his fair share of taxes for many years before being finally caught. Please guess the definition… - to get away from a responsibility through trickery elude is a verb synonyms: shirk, avoid antonym: confront Now please write a sentence with context clues and use the word correctly.