Absolute Value
The magnitude of -2 is 2 because it is 2 steps away from zero. Absolute Value The absolute value (or magnitude) of a number is just the ‘number part’ without the sign. It tells us how far the number is away from zero. The magnitude of -2 is 2 because it is 2 steps away from zero. -2 -1 0
Absolute Value The symbol for absolute value is 2 straight, vertical lines with the number trapped inside. | 2 | = 2 and | -2 | = 2 The absolute value of both 2 and -2 is 2 because they are both 2 steps away from zero.
Things are backwards in the negatives! Absolute Value As negative numbers get smaller and smaller, their absolute value increases! -500 is smaller than -1 but 500 is bigger than 1 Things are backwards in the negatives!
| - 6 | = ( - 1 ) times | - 6 | = ( - 1)( 6 ) = - 6 Trickery! Be careful if there is a negative sign in front of an absolute value sign! | - 6 | = ( - 1 ) times | - 6 | = ( - 1)( 6 ) = - 6 - | 5 – 3 | = - 2
Absolute Value the distance a number is away from zero the magnitude of the number a grouping symbol