Current Events Jigsaw
On the Back of your paper… Write down the name of everyone in your home group Write down what table number your home group is sitting at
Go to the table that matches your card This is your EXPERT group. Write down the name of everyone sitting at this table with you Write down the name of the Current Events article you recieve
With your expert group… Read out loud or silently through the article you received. After the first time you read the article, follow all annotation instructions
Write your first and last name and Core on article and worksheet Underline the title. Remember, there is a difference in a header and a title. Highlighting the title is NOT underlining the title. Follow instructions! Number the paragraphs. Be on the lookout for paragraphs that continue in page breaks. Read the questions! Read the entire passage through once. You are not annotating here. You are only reading!!! Make THREE personal annotations For this section YOU ARE: writing your reactions, writing your emotions, writing any connections you have to this article, writing questions that are not answered in the text. For this section you ARE NOT: summarizing the passage/paragraph, copying down sentences or chunks of the passage, asking questions that are answered in the text. With your question paper next to you for reference, re-read the text and annotate the text to help you find your answers Label what the CLAIM is in the article Label each piece of evidence that supports the claim by highlighting or underlining Fill in the answers to the questions The claim, supporting evidence, and the answer to the questions all need to be written in complete sentences You may NOT quote the article!!!!! You must paraphrase (put into your own words) what the article is saying.
Jigsaw- Day 2
5 minutes with your expert group Review what you have listed as the article’s claim and all of the evidence that supports it
Go to your home group Find the table and group members that you ORIGINALLY sat with This information should be written on the back of your paper
With your home group… Each member share what their article’s claim was. You must write down all other article’s claim on the back of your paper
When you’re done sharing… Raise your hands- I will provide you with a placemat poster Fill in the four corners of the poster with the 4 claims from the 4 different articles In the center, answer the following prompt: Do you think that Earth and it’s inhabitants are in trouble due to the water crisis? Explain why or why not with details from your articles. 3 sentence MINIMUM to answer.
Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4 Do you think that Earth and it’s inhabitants are in trouble due to the water crisis? Explain why or why not with details from your article.
Now present your findings to the class 2 minutes for each group to share their response to the prompt