Company Information
Production period (month) 3.1 Company Information (I) 1. Company name : 2. CEO name : 3. Head office address : Tel. : FAX : 4. Business type : 5. Major products : ① ② ③ ④ 6. Delivery date by product 7. Date of establishment : 8. Number of employees 9. Name of industrial complex : 10. Capital stock : 11. Yearly revenue : 12. Yearly net profit : 13. Major facilities 14. Factory site Product name Production period (month) 1. 3. 2. 4. Occupation type Number of employees 1. 3. 2. 4. Facility name Number of facility 1. 3. 2. 4. Type Area (㎥) Remark Building site Building
3.1 Company Information (I) 15. Factory location 16. Overseas office : 17. Export to : 18. Export amount : 19. Military service special exemption (Y/N) : 20. Patents : 21. Acquired technology and certificates : 22. E-MAIL : 23. Homepage URL : 24. Company history 25. Major business partners Factory name Location Remark
3.1 Company Information (I) 26. Main business area 27. Company PR :