The Skin? What does it do?
What is skin? Skin is the largest organ of the body It’s purpose is to give a tough, flexible covering to the body Divided into 3 main sections Epidermis – the top layer Dermis – middle layer Subcutaneous layer – the bottom layer Skin has the following functions:
Sensation Skin lets us feel: Touch Pressure Pain Heat Cold Recognise objects by feel and shape
Heat regulation Temperature control Normal body temperature is 36.8°C Blood supply & sweat glands mainly control body heat loss. Heat can be distributed by blood circulation to the body Sweating also helps control heat by lowering temperature
Absorption Skin acts as a waterproof barrier UV rays are absorbed stimulating melanin production The nicotine in patches is absorbed
Protection Outer skin surface protects against bacteria by forming the Acid Mantle (sebum & sweat) Prevents absorption by creating a barrier Acts as a cushion for underlying structures Acts as a waterproof coating preventing vital water loss Contains Melanin which absorbs UV rays – Tanning
Elimination/Excretion Sweating helps get rid of waste products like water and salt through the surface of the skin 2 types of sweat, 1 happens all the time and you don’t know about it. The other only when you are hot or stressed
Nutrition Storage for fat, providing an energy store. Produces Vitamin D – chemical reaction when sunlight is in contact with the skin