e-publications@RCSI RCSI institutional repository http://epubs. rcsi e-publications@RCSI RCSI institutional repository http://epubs.rcsi.ie using Digital Commons Jenny Byrne Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland jbyrne@rcsi.ie “The times they are a changing!” Scholarly communication in the 21st Century. Seminar, 4 December 2009, Dublin Institute of Technology www.rcsi.ie/library
Institutional repository options Set up software choice: Open source software e.g. DSpace, EPrints, Fedora etc. Off-the shelf hosted product e.g. Digital Commons, Open Repository (from BioMed Central) www.rcsi.ie/library
Hosted solution Digital Commons (by Berkeley Electronic Press - Bepress) is a fully hosted solution. Based in California, they provide: software hardware storage space software upgrades set-up support and training …..so the IR can be setup and maintained by library staff in conjunction with Bepress staff www.rcsi.ie/library
Setup basics Client fills in a setup form, including: desired repository name desired URL logo custom design requests Bepress use this information to develop an initial web interface to the IR Client can work with Bepress to modify the interface Initial setup can be carried out quite quickly (i.e. in weeks) www.rcsi.ie/library
Local IT requirements Not much local technical knowledge needed for setup RCSI IT Dept set up web address (epubs.rcsi.ie) and redirect of this to Bepress server www.rcsi.ie/library
Staff skills for use of Digital Commons Repository manager/primary administrator – good PC skills, metadata management, content policy*, training*, usage reports* (as well as advocacy*, liaison*, etc.) Repository administrators need good PC skills (experience of online form-filling, good use of Word, internet, good editing abilities) * SHERPA Document: Institutional Repositories: Staff and Skills requirements http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/documents/Staff_and_Skills_Set_2009.pdf www.rcsi.ie/library
Communities and series Initial setup: repository manager sent list of required communities, sub-communities and series to Bepress RCSI repository manager now sets up our own communities, etc. www.rcsi.ie/library
Mediated-, self- and batch-submission At present RCSI repository administrators submit on behalf of authors Self-submission by authors is possible Submitted item is held in an admin area for approval by repository administrators Also possible now to batch import using an Excel file www.rcsi.ie/library
Submitting an item – standard and customised fields Standardised web-based form – straightforward to use (but suggest having a standard operating procedure) Standard fields e.g.: Title Authors Abstract Document type Publication date PubMedID – can be used to pre-populate the submission form Bepress can add other fields that you may want e.g. DOI Link, Customised citation, PubMedID Upload file (from your computer, a remote site, etc.) www.rcsi.ie/library
Submitting an item…continued Word documents converted to PDF Each submission has its own web page Also possible to upload images, sound and video files, data sets, and executable files www.rcsi.ie/library
Revising submissions Not quite as straightforward as submitting an item Web-based administration area – not as intuitive as the submission form – takes getting used to! www.rcsi.ie/library
Usage analysis Basic usage reports provided e.g. daily, monthly, yearly hits for items Can be set up with Google Analytics e.g. visits, pageviews, pages/visit, countries visiting, top content, traffic sources, search keywords used www.rcsi.ie/library
Data Harvesting and Feeding indexed by Google and Google Scholar OAI (Open Archives Initiative) compliant www.rcsi.ie/library
Cons… but not too bad! Support based in California – potential delays in communication between client and support. However support now available from around 4pm GMT so RCSI’s experience is that this does not have a negative impact Design of interface carried out by Bepress – perhaps may not be able to customise interface exactly as you want Any possible interface changes cannot be carried out straight away – dependent on external support (and so take more time) Web-based administration area – could be better www.rcsi.ie/library
Cons…continued Initial setup of communities and series needed to be done by Bepress. Now can add our own. Communities and series – administration can get unwieldly. Also not possible to delete these. New metadata fields need to be sent to Bepress for setup May not be possible to integrate with local systems, e.g. research database However, can batch upload to - Excel import tool www.rcsi.ie/library
References/further information e-publications@RCSI, RCSI institutional repository http://epubs.rcsi.ie ARROW@DIT, DIT institutional repository http://arrow.dit.ie Digital Commons by Bepress http://www.bepress.com/ir/ SHERPA Document: Institutional Repositories: Staff and Skills requirements http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/documents/Staff_and_Skills_Set_2009.pdf IUA IREL-Open Project http://www.irel-open.ie/ www.rcsi.ie/library