AGVISE Laboratories summarized Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) levels on a regional basis, based upon the zip code region or county of the sample. This data is compiled from fields sampled in 2008, analyzed at Benson, MN. The intent of this summary is to increase the awareness of the problem and widespread nature of SCN for growers, consultants, seed dealers and retail dealerships. Please use this information to reinforce the value of SCN sampling as a management tool by each grower. If you have any questions, please call our technical support staff at Thank you for using AGVISE Laboratories Annual SCN Summary for 2008
Egg Count* Zero31%28%30%29%30%29% %9%13%17%24%28% ,00025% 26%30%28%27% 2, ,00026%28%24%19%16%13% > 10,00112%10%8%6%2%3% Samples SCN Annual Comparison Combined MN, SD and ND *Eggs/100 cc soil
Samples 68% Zero 29% eggs 0% 201-2,000 3% 2,001-10,000 0% >10, South Dakota 2008 SCN by Submitters Zip Code 98 Samples 34%Zero 37%1-200 eggs 17%201-2,000 12%2,001-10,000 0%>10,
SCN by Submitters Zip Code 659 Samples 36%Zero 29%1-200 eggs 20%201-2,000 9%2,001-10,000 5%>10,000
SCN by Submitters Zip Code 1649 Samples 27%Zero 26%1-200 eggs 30%201-2,000 14%2,001-10,000 3%>10,000
SCN by Submitters Zip Code 182 Samples 31%Zero 28%1-200 eggs 21%201-2,000 18%2,001-10,000 2%>10,000
SCN by Submitters Zip Code 306 Samples 14%Zero 24%1-200 eggs 42%201-2,000 19%2,001-10,000 1%>10,000
SCN by Submitters Zip Code 131 Samples 27%Zero 39%1-200 eggs 24%201-2,000 9%2,001-10,000 0%>10,000
SCN by Submitters Zip Code 69 Samples 14%Zero 17%1-200 eggs 34%201-2,000 26%2,001-10,000 7%>10,000
Zip Code Samples Where are the samples coming from? (Minnesota, 2008)