Portfolio Development
LOAN STATISTICS Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Approved Loan Amount Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Approved Loan Amount 93,822,837 99,611,500 104,824,600 110,690,836 Total Outstanding Loans 63,333,312 66,545,215 68,612,855 70,533,873 Approved Guarantee Amount 44,810,054 47,519,786 50,079,326 52,929,944 Total Outstanding Guarantees 30,308,215 31,751,053 32,865,016 33,801,212 No of Loans 2,409 2,560 2,707 2,893
LOAN DISTRIBUTION BY REGION Loans by Regions No of Loans Approved Amount Guarantee Amount Ferizaj / Uroševac 256 10,575,700 5,099,850 Gjakovë / Djakovica 106 3,581,000 1,732,500 Gjilan /Gnjilane 188 6,267,745 2,981,663 Mitrovicë/ Mitrovica 149 5,551,600 2,484,350 Pejë / Peć 208 8,291,426 4,015,998 Prishtinë / Priština 1,620 61,170,765 29,207,482 Prizren 366 15,252,600 7,408,101 Total 2,893 110,690,836 52,929,944
LOANS BY SECTOR Main Sectors No of Loans Approved Amount Guarantee Amount No Of Employees Proj. No Of Empl.* Wholesale & Retail Trade 1,087 43,144,082 20,858,121 4,341 5,764 Services 910 30,977,651 14,791,476 5,799 7,178 Manufacturing Products 511 20,182,850 9,456,305 2,826 3,563 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 230 9,254,926 4,402,629 645 954 Construction 155 7,131,326 3,421,413 1,461 1,775 Total 2,893 110,690,836 52,929,944 15,072 19,234 * This is an estimation reported by the beneficiaries
LOAN PURPOSE Purpose of the Loans Number of Loans Approved Amount Guarantee Amount Construction,Renovation or Land 624 27,203,210 12,848,295 Equipment 774 32,587,003 15,608,688 Working Capital 1,048 35,938,591 17,423,346 Other 447 14,962,032 7,049,616 Total 2,893 110,690,836 52,929,944