2.2 Adding Rationals Adding Fractions Adding Decimals 1. You need to have the same denominator when you add fractions If not, find the LCD 2. Multiply numerator and denominator by the same number that equals the LCD 3. Add the numerators only 4. Simplify If final answer is an improper fraction, convert to a mix fraction *If you are adding with a mix fraction, change to an improper fraction first then follow steps above. Line up decimals vertically Add down columns from right to left Same rules like adding integers! Same sign = keep sign add Different sign = ignore signs, subtract and keep the sign of the larger number
Adding/Subtracting Fractions ♫ "If adding or subtracting is your aim, The bottom numbers must be the same! ♫ "Change the bottom using multiply or divide, But the same to the top must be applied, ♫ "And don't forget to simplify, Before its time to say good bye"
Real World Application Your bank account balance is -$20.85. You deposit $15.5o. What is your new balance?