Sandia Vista Elementary Welcome Parents! 3rd Grade Sandia Vista Elementary Mrs. Wadsworth’s Class
Attendance Please plan on having your child here at school by 8:55. Hello Attendance Please plan on having your child here at school by 8:55. If they eat breakfast, please allow time for them to complete breakfast before the first bell. My time with students is precious.
Language Arts Hello New Reading Program, all text-based. Well-balanced between fiction and non-fiction, reading and writing. All materials must stay at school and may not be sent home, so it is critical to have your child here at school daily, unless they are truly sick.
Spelling is integrated throughout the phonics portion of the program Spelling is integrated throughout the phonics portion of the program. There is not a separate spelling list that will be sent home to be studied for a weekly spelling test.
Math Eureka Hello The Eureka math program spirals through the curriculum. If your child is not understanding the concept, they will revisit it again. We will not be sending home homework, unless they are not able to finish during the day. Eureka Each student is assigned a math practice book, but it needs to stay at the school and will not be sent home.
Math We supplement our Eureka math with Common Core 4 today, which also spirals through the curriculum, and either previews, reviews, or practices the concepts we are learning in Eureka. We have also signed up your child on and where they can also practice these skills at home. Login information will be coming home soon.
Homework Read 20 minutes every night. Reading logs due every Friday. Hello Read 20 minutes every night. Reading logs due every Friday.
Positive Behavior Class Dojo Hello Class Dojo If a student makes a bad choice, I will treat the situation with respect. I consider the child, the choice, and the circumstances before making a decision about a consequence.
Communication Hello I will do my personal best to keep my web page updated weekly for all class news. I check my e-mail frequently, and if possible will answer the same day, as soon as possible. I return phone calls either before or after school. You may also schedule an appointment before or after school to meet with me, as needed.
Birthdays We love to acknowledge birthdays. Please be aware that the district policy is to only send in pre-packaged, store-bought items. Check with me about current class size and specific food allergies. Please send in individual portions for each student. Birthday celebrations will happen during our lunch period in the cafeteria.
Hello Food Class Allergies Due to severe allergies in our class, please DO NOT SEND peanuts, or items containing peanuts or other nut products.
Cough Drops School policy is to have parents fill out a form, which you can get from the school nurse, leave the form in the nurse’s office, then send in the cough drops with your child. The cough drops, labeled with the child’s name, are kept on the teacher’s desk and handed out on an as-needed basis only to that student.
Related Arts 6 day rotation Hello Related Arts 6 day rotation Please see the Related Arts calendars on the school web-page, especially for PE and library.
Coordinating class events/parties Hello Volunteering All parent volunteers MUST have a district issued volunteer badge to attend any field trips, or help in the classroom. Helpful Parents Copying Coordinating class events/parties Field Trip chaperones
Reminders Don’t Forget Please sign up for PTO. Hello Don’t Forget Please sign up for PTO. If you would like to speak privately with me about your child, please sign up for a conference next week. I would love to meet with you to discuss your concerns.
Communication is my number one goal! Hello Thank You! Learning Together with Thunder Pride Communication is my number one goal! I must have open communication with you so you know how your child is doing at all times. If you have ever have a concern, please email me, call and leave a message, or come by and talk to me. No concern is too small.