Protists The first Eukaryotes
Protist Characteristics 1) Domain: Eukarya (have a nucleus) 2) Most are unicellular 3) None have true tissues (so not plant, animal or fungi) 4) Animal-like, Plant-like or Fungus-like
A) contractile vacuole B) food vacuole C) macronucleus D) micronucleus E) pellicle F) cilia G) oral groove H) gullet G H
Amoeba Structures to know A) nucleus B) contractile vacuole C) food vacuole D) pseudopod B C A D
Amoebozoans Move by flowing cytoplasm into projections of cell membrane called pseudopods false feet Example: Amoeba Not in ecojars
Euglena A) flagella B) reservoir C) contractile vacuole D) pellicle : (contractile memb.) E) eye spot A B E C D
Most primitive Clade Parabasalids & Diplomonads T.vaginalis Giardia STD hiker’s diarrhea Anaerobic or low O2, mitochondria primitive/lacking Form cysts to survive hostile environments
2nd most primitive clade Euglenozoans & Kinetoplastids Both have flagella, genetically similar
Euglenoids = Euglenophyta Most primitive = heterotroph Some became mixotrophs 2/3 of species obtained chloroplasts & eyespots Pellicle = tough contractile cell membrane Eye spot detects light Contractile vacuole to remove water
Kinetoplastids Have kinetoplasts = giant mitochondria allow conversion from aerobic to anaerobic Trypanosoma sp. cause sleeping sickness (Tsetse fly vector) Leishmania sp. Cause leishmaniasis Mexican = fatal (Sand fly vector)
3rd most primitive clade Radiolarians & Foraminiferans Silica shell calcium carbonate shell Both have : pseudopods & are zooplankton (animal like drifters)
4th most primitive clade Is very large Includes: Apicomplexans, Dinoflagellates, and Cilliates on one branch (all have alveoli so are alveolates) *lost in Apicomplexans* And Diatoms, Chrysophytes, Brown Algae, & Oomycotes on the other branch (all have bristle flagella so are stramenopiles)
Alveoli Membrane bound sacs just under cell membrane Store Ca+ ions that act to contract cilia
Cilliates Have trichocysts and cilia Earliest example of ‘true’ sexual reproduction = conjugation Example : Paramecium
Dinoflagellates Phytoplankton with flagella Chloroplasts resemble green or red algae Secondary endosymbiosis
Dinoflagellates Some bioluminsecent Some endosymbionts in Cnidarians Dinoflagellate blooms: Caused by high N +P level May result in Red tide May result in Eutrophication
Apicomplexans apical complex of microtubules All are Parasites use microtubules to pierce host Don’t move on their own No use for alveoli Are carried by a vector Plasmodium sp. cause Malaria live inside human Red Blood Cells
Stramenopiles Bristles on flagella Chloroplasts with 4 membranes….. secondary endosymbiosis Oomycotes lost chloroplasts? Or never got them?
Chrysophytes Photosynthetic Stramenophiles Includes 1) diatoms 2) golden & yellowgreeen algae 3) Brown algae
Diatoms Yellow/brown Algae 2-part silica shells Important in phytoplankton food chain Important oxygen producer Diatomaceous earth
Diatoms = Carbon sink Diatoms are able to use Bicarbonate as a carbon source. Diatoms sinking to ocean floor act as a sink for carbon.
Brown Algae Brown pigments absorb wavelengths of light that reach deeper into the water. Largest multicellular algae Sargassum kelp
Sargasso Sea
Algae parts…
Oomycotes (egg fungi) Saprobe Stramenopiles (absorb food) parasites & decomposers Lost chloroplasts Rusts water molds
Chlorophyta Green algae (chlorophyll) Most similar to plants Unicellular …Desmids Multicellular…filamentous algae & volvox Complex life cycles
Chlamydomonas green algae
Red Algae Red pigments absorb wavelengths of light even deeper in the water. (green & blue) phycobilins Used to make thickeners & agar Multicellular Complex life cycles
Red Algae Life-cycle Multicellular body of plant = thalus The thalus is the gametophyte…. gametes are produced by the gametophyte male gametophytes produce sperm female gametophytes produce eggs A gametangium – the the part of the gametophyte that HOLDs the gametes angio = vessel/ container
So a spermatangium holds… And a Sporangium holds…. spores Spore = reproductive structure protected by hard wall. Often used for dispersal. May germinate by breaking out of the wall. Sporophyte – is the plant body on which the sporangium grows.
Sperm = 1n male gamete Egg = 1n female gamete Zygote = 2n cell formed by fertilization
amoebozoans Complex life cycles Closest to Animals and Fungi All have pseudopods Free-living Amoeba, slime molds, & parasites Free-living & Slime molds important decomposers
Plasmodial Slime mold
Cellular Slime Molds - cAMP
Amoeba – free living E. histolytica - dysentery