Implementation Of Full Adder Using Spartan-3E FPGA (STB99061) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI – 620 015 3-DAY TUTORIAL ON VERILOG HDL Organized by IEEE STUDENT BRANCH NIT TRICHY Implementation Of Full Adder Using Spartan-3E FPGA Ms. Vinitha Bobbili M.Tech Scholar NIT-T Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 17 September 2019
FPGA Design Flow:
Full Addeer: module adder(s,cy,a,b,c_in ); input a,b,c_in; output s,cy; assign s=a^b^c_in; assign cy=(a^b)&c_in|(a&b); endmodule
Spartan-3E Starter Kit:
bit file generation : Verilog code-> Synthesis -> ucf >implement design(translate,map,place&route) ->generate programming file.
FPGA Configuration: Impact Tool
a =b=c=0, s=cy=0 a=b=0 c=1 s=1 cy=0 Output : a =b=c=0, s=cy=0 a=b=0 c=1 s=1 cy=0
a=b=1 c=0 s=0 cy=1 a=b=c=1 s=cy=1
Thank you