Surah Ad-Dhariyat The Scatterers Makkan surah – 60 Verses
Verse 1-23 Affirmation of After life Differing beliefs of the pagans Remaining awake at night for voluntary prayers Seeking forgiveness before dawn Allah’s sign on the earth and in mankind Development of sperm and embryo in the womb
Verses 24-46 Verse 25– Unknown people The angels came in the form of handsome young men Ibrahim (as) could not recognise them They were strangers
Verses 24-46 Verse 26 – Quietly slipped out Ibrahim (as) discretely went in his house To quickly arrange a meal So that his guests do not sense it
Entertaining guests Ibn Kathir mentions the manner in entertaining your guests: Not to tell them you are making food Quickly bring them food while they are unaware He prepared best food he had – Fat roasted calf He placed food close to them Politely invited them to come and eat
Verses 24-46 Verse 28 – fear in his heart Guests are supposed to accept the food Refusing to eat was a sign of danger
Verses 24-46 Verse 29 – Saarah Involuntary screamed Struck herself A barren old women? How is that possible Saarah – 99 yrs old and Ibrahim (as) – 100yrs old
Verse 47 - 55 Allah has created everything in pairs Reality of hereafter Power of Allah Oneness of Allah Punishment for those who deny reality
Verse 47 - 55 Verse 50 – So flee to Allah Ibn Abbas – Flee from your sins and take shelter in Allah for repentance Devil and your nafs invites you to sin, take refugee in Allah who will protect you from your evil
Verse 56 – 60 Verse 56 – Purpose of creation Question 1 – If Allah created creation for this particular task, the creation by his will should only perform that task, should not do anything against the will? Question 2 – If the purpose of creation is restricted to worship, why is there other benefits in their creation? Eg. Washing machiene
Answer… This verse only refers to believers Allah has commanded all to worship but has also given them free will Some use this free will to worship God and others to sin
“Every child is born according to the fitrah Fitrah – The natural capacity for Islam
Verse 56 – 60 Verse 57 – I do not want sustenance from them Allah does not need them because he created them Master looks after slave so that he could serve him Allah is pure from these things He did not create us to profit nor benefit him or anything Eg. Washing machiene
Verse 56 – 60 Verse 57 – I do not want sustenance from them Allah does not need them because he created them Master looks after slave so that he could serve him Allah is pure from these things He did not create us to profit nor benefit him or anything Eg. Washing machiene