My character for the Bury Promenade Walk By Eren Kucukkaramuklu
My character is a monk of Bury St Edmunds Abbey by the name of Brother Jocelin. He is 33 years old in the year 1202. He currently lives in a house next to the Abbey, but his previous residence was in a little house by himself. He is also a cellar man to the Abbey, and loves to write about his times, the Abbey, and Abbot Samson, whom he really looks up to.
Brother Jocelin is a kind and delightful soul who loves to help those that are less fortunate or in need of help. He became a monk, because he was once like those unfortunate people. He lost his family when he was 10, and had to fend for himself, find food and survive. Then one day at 15 years of age, he wandered into the Abbey, and found the monks. They saw the state he was in and decided to clean him up and feed him. Jocelin then began coming to the Abbey every day to help, until he became 18 and wanted to become a monk. Ever since then, he has dedicated his time to helping others.
The strengths I will bring to my performance are as follows The strengths I will bring to my performance are as follows. I have a calm and emotionless tone, which is perfect for a monk. I am also able to help people as a monk would, and I will remain stoic at all times.
One skill that I need to improve is my voice One skill that I need to improve is my voice. I am too quiet, and need to speak up more so that people can hear me while I guide them around. I also need to work on my people skills in general, and be more caring towards others.
And that is about it. I hope you enjoyed.