Middle and High School Reading Bowl Team Head Coach: Ms. Christy Rogers
What are Academic Teams? Academic Teams compete in extracurricular competitions against other schools. They include: Science Olympiad Math Olympiad Model UN Robotics Future City Destination Imagination Reading Bowl What are Academic Teams?
Most middle school and high school students will compete on at least one team Students can participate in a maximum of two teams. Exception: Students cannot do both Robotics and Math or Science Olympiad. Remember, a student cannot be on two teams that meet at the same time. Students applying for an Academic Team must complete both the appropriate Academic Team application form and the Academic Team Preference Form. What You Should Know
All team members and parents must sign the Academic Teams Policies & Procedures . All school rules are in effect for all Academic Team activities whether on or off campus. Disrespect of teammates, coaches, and/or property will not be tolerated. Be considerate of your coaches – we are volunteering to help you! You can be removed from the team for poor behavior! Parents and students must sign the Polices and Procedures, so please read these carefully. Your Behavior Matters!
Remember To: Complete paper Application Form Complete paper Academic Teams Preference Form if you are applying for more than one team. Complete and Sign paper Academic Teams Policies and Procedures form Complete online Club Selection Form and select the team(s) you are applying for. Remember To:
Reading Bowl was started by a DeKalb County library media specialist, Mrs. Helen Ruffin, in 1986. Students read books off a list of Georgia Children’s Book Award recipients (10 books, middle school) or the Peach Award (20 books, high school). Book lists can be found on the Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl website. Students compete in a quiz bowl style competition against other schools at the regional, divisional, and state levels. Reading Bowl Overview
Middle and High School Reading Bowl has two dates to choose from: Tuesdays and Wednesdays during club time. You don’t have to come to both days, but you MUST come to one. No after school practices planned. Students should be prepared to read and re-read books. We will hold a school-wide “practice” Reading Bowl at the end of the fall semester. Time Commitment
Reading Bowl Rules: No more than TEN students to a team—5 participants in a round plus 5 alternates. No more than 15 students will be selected to participate. Our practice reading bowl + semester long performance, attendance, and dedication will determine which students will go to the first competition. Selection Criteria
Regional Competition at Clayton State University: February 8, 2020 Divisional and State competition dates are TBD, probably sometime in March (but first we have to win regionals ) Competition Dates
Questions and Further Information Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Website: https://www.dekalbschoolsga.org/hrrb Contact me! crogers@fultonscienceacademy.org Questions and Further Information