Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year! 5th Grade Team
Tonight’s Agenda School Policies Classroom Expectations Classroom Management System Homework Policy Payments and Online Store Dress code Food Policies Schedule Volunteer Opportunities How students get home Field Trips/Parties Odds and Ends Websites Technology Clubs How to contact us
School Policies Attendance Must have excuse note within 48 hours 10 absences are allowed per quarter. Students have the number of days they are absent to make up any missed assignments. Tardies: Students must be in their seats by 8:00. If they arrive to the classroom after 8:05, they will be marked tardy. Five tardies will result in a referral. Per Broward County, students may NOT be picked up between 2:00-2:30pm Volunteer Hours 30 volunteer hours MUST BE DONE by the last student day! We recommend that you complete 15 by winter break. Your volunteer hours will be denoted on each report card. Lunch Students must preorder lunch or they will not be able to receive a hot lunch! Some sort of lunch will be available for those who do not preorder- no excuses. We must order lunch ahead as we use a catering service.
Classroom Management System Students are expected to follow classroom policies and Ben Gamla’s three Building Expectations: Respect, Responsibility, and Safety. Consequences- Positive : Tickets Negative : Think Sheet/ loss of a privilege/ Incident log *After three incidents, your child will receive a referral. A referral within two weeks of a field trip will keep a child from attending that trip. * Classroom management will differ slightly from room to room
5th Grade Homework Policy 50 minutes of homework per night plus 30 minutes of reading The approximate breakdown is as follows: 10 minutes of ELA, 20 minutes of math, and 20 minutes of science. Projects For each day the project is late, it will lose one letter grade. After a week, it will receive a 50%. Absences Students have the number of days absent to complete any assignments. After the allotted time, students will receive partial credit Homework If homework is not completed OR turned in when it is assigned, students have until the end of the day to complete for 50% . If the student chooses not to turn it in, it will be considered missing which is equivalent to a zero in Engrade. Class Assignments Assignments not completed during class time, will either be completed during lunch or added to their homework. As such, this assignment is due the following day. If your child chooses not to complete it, they will get partial credit.
Homework Policy Homework is assigned MONDAY through FRIDAY, and it will be graded! Homework is posted every Friday if students want to get a head start for the upcoming week. On EnGrade, an “M” indicates a missing assignment, “A” indicates that the child was absent, “E” indicates an excused grade (a blank means-not yet graded) Please watch for this! Students are held responsible and accountable for writing their assignments in their agendas daily. Your child’s agenda will be your best friend! NOTE: Your child is responsible for completing homework, NOT YOU. Your job, as a parent, is to simply check that it is finished and has their name on it.
Payments/ Online Store All payments will now be operating through our online store. Teachers will no longer be accepting money in the classroom. Any items purchased will be delivered to your child once processed by the office. This includes field trips, dress down, agenda, year book and uniforms. This payment system DOES NOT include lunch and picture money! https://www.bengamla-charter.com/
Dress Code Uniforms must be worn Monday through Friday unless you have paid for a “Dress Down” day which is Friday. Dress Down day follows Broward County dress code. Students must pay $8 to dress down for the month. There is NO option to dress down weekly. We will update you on payment deadlines. PE attire may only be worn on Tuesdays and Fridays.
ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM DIRECTIVE… Food Policies ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM DIRECTIVE… No child may bring in food from a restaurant in their original packaging. *for example; students may not walk into the building with a drink from Starbucks, or a Subway bag. *If you decided to bring in or drop off outside food for your child, it is REQUIRED to put them into a generic bag or lunch box. THE FOOD CANNOT BE IN ITS ORIGINAL PACKAGING If the child is caught, unfortunately, the food will be thrown away. *we expect to be audited throughout the year!
Schedule 8:00-10:30 Homeroom and First Period 10:30-10:35 Switch to 2nd Period 10:35-11:00 2nd Period 11:05-11:35 Lunch 11:40-12:30 Specials Hebrew: (Mon., Wed., and Thurs.) PE: (Tues. and Fri.) 12:35-2:20 2nd Period Continued 2:20-2:30 Prepare for Dismissal
Volunteer Opportunities Wednesday Folders Cutting lamination and foldables at home Book dontations Classroom Enhancements *Each classroom teacher has individual wish lists that they will share with you. Chaperone fieldtrips Helping during class parties Becoming a Room Parent Configure class e-mail, make a class contact list Plan parties/collect items Act as liaison between the teacher and parents
Car Riders/Dismissal NO SMOKING IN THE CAR POOL AREA… even in your car! NO CELL PHONE USAGE in the car pool area! This is simply for the safety of all. You must remain in your vehicle at all times. Please do not get out to walk your child across the road; do not get out to open your trunk. Must have carpool card displayed. If there is a change, please make sure your child knows.
Field Trips/Parties Parties Birthday parties will be held during lunch and must be cleared with the classroom teacher in advance! We ask that you bring in Cupcakes/donuts with juice/water. Parents Only Field Trips You MUST be in a 5th grade purple spirit shirt, and uniform bottoms (unless the bottoms are otherwise stated) Once the deadline for the field trip closes on the online store, your child may no longer attend the field trip (NO EXCEPTIONS) Please DO NOT turn in the field trip form to the teacher until you have first paid for the trip online. All lunches for field trips must be in a plastic throw away bag. We will NOT bring any lunches back from field trips. You MUST be on time to attend a field trip… busses will NOT wait for you! Tentative Field Trips: -Everglades -Ice Skating -Science Museum -Rapids
Odds and Ends The following items are MANDATORY Agendas for $10, and Grade level T-shirts for $10 Both can be purchased in the online store Conferences (Via phone or in person): *We will start scheduling conferences in September. *Conferences will be held in the mornings from 7:30-8:00. *At every conference both of your child's teachers will be in attendance.
Websites Engrade (Students’ grades) https://www.engrade.com/user/signup-student.php Think Central (Math and Reading Textbooks) https://www-k6.thinkcentral.com/ePC/start.do Class Website (Upcoming tests, events, homework, etc.) http://www.bengamla-charter.com/ Ed:yourfriendinlearning (Science and Social Students) *more info. to come IXL (Used for Reading and Math Practice) https://www.ixl.com/ FSA Website (Practice FSA Tests and sample materials) www.fsassessments.org
Social Media/Cell Phones Social Media: Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat are NOT appropriate for students in grade 5! If you choose to allow your child to be on these websites, understand that any consequence of social media activities will be your responsibility. The school in no way, shape, or form endorse student use of these websites. Cell Phones: We understand, safety and cell phones are connected and want your child to be as safe as possible at all times. However, cell phones are prohibited to be used in the school building! Cell phones must be turned off and placed in backpacks while your child is in the building or on the playground. Any child caught using a cell phone on campus will have the cell phone confiscated and the phone will be handed over to administration. The student using the cell phone will also be given a written referral as stated by Broward County. This is NOT a Ben Gamla rule and is out of our hands. Cell phones can only be retrieved from administration by a parent and/or guardian.
Run by 5th Grade Teachers Tutoring Run by 5th Grade Teachers Tutoring Private and group tutoring is offered by all fifth grade teachers. Contact us individually if interested.
Communication E-Mail- we will get back to you within 24 hours. When emailing, please copy both teachers, unless it is specific to grades. alord@bengamlacharter.org Hsilverman@bengamlacharter.org *Please let us know ASAP if your child is going home a different way. If you do not get a response from us by 1:30pm, please call the front desk to let them know. Wednesday Folders will be sent home weekly with your child. Please review the papers inside; then sign the outside of the folder and return the folders by Thursday.
Follow us to our classrooms for all questions and/or concerns???