Q2 Updates on 2019 Board Priorities General Government & Policy Committee August 6, 2019
Definitions On track to reach the milestones we set May be behind by up to one quarter Is delayed and probably will not reach the targets we set On hold
Q2 Status Overview 16 2 18 Total Priorities For the second quarter of 2019, two priorities are yellow, the remaining are on track. Total 18
Byllesby Dam Water to Wire Hydropower Project Priority 6 Byllesby Dam Water to Wire Hydropower Project Q2 Milestone: Develop a detailed schedule with developer; Finalize cost estimates; Develop bid packages to begin construction; Achieve majority of final permits. Q2 Narrative: Project costs likely will exceed project CIP budget; Assessing utilization of different contracting methodology; Selecting contractor during Q3 to address project cost-related issues; Permitting delayed due to additional required State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) submittals; Dam safety permitting concerns have been addressed. Initial estimates for this project are showing that construction costs will exceed the project CIP budget. Staff are exploring making use of a different contracting methodology and using a value engineering process to reduce costs. Additional required submittals to the State Historic Preservation Office has delayed permitting. Reporter: Josh Petersen/Lead: Erin Stwora Milestones: Q1: Finalize contracts with the entire team to complete the project, work through risk reduction measures in the design and continue working to finalize all permitting needs on the project. Q2: Work toward developing a detailed schedule with developer, finalize overall project cost estimates, and start the process to develop bid packages to begin construction. Achieve final permits for the project except for Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioner dam safety and other permits that will be addressed at individual stages of construction. Q3: Begin construction of the project. Start accepting delivery of major turbine and generator components on-site. Coordinate storage needs for equipment while waiting for construction. Q4: On-going construction. Should be well into demolition and concrete work on the actual powerhouse to prepare for installation of the turbine and generator equipment. PD
Countywide Law Enforcement Data Storage and Management Priority 18 Countywide Law Enforcement Data Storage and Management Q2 Milestone: Present Public Safety Data and Information Management Concept and Scope. Q2 Narrative: Concept was discussed with City Manager/Administrator group in May; Cities have proceeded with independent purchase of body/dash cam systems; Data storage and integration issues will continue to be addressed. The public safety data and information management concept was discussed in the City Manager/Administrator group in May. However, cities have proceeded to purchase dash and body camera systems independently, diminishing the opportunities to collaborate. The city of Rosemount may be interesting in partnering on the issuing of a RFP. And the issue of data storage integration between the camera systems and Sheriff and County Attorney systems will continue to be addressed. Reporter: Josh Petersen/Lead: Erin Stwora Milestones: Q1: Develop an outline and talking points for discussion of the Public Safety Data and Information Management concept and share with public safety organizations and other stakeholders. Q2: Present Public Safety Data and Information Management concept, and a scope for a possible countywide partnership, to the City Manager/Administrator group. The scope will be built around a goal of improving the efficiency and overall cost-effectiveness of management of public safety data and information. Q3: Update the County Board on the scope of a possible collaborative partnership and potential next steps. If directed by the Board, present the concept to Mayors, Managers and other public officials. Depending on direction, formalize the partnership as a HIPP (High Performance Partnership) type project. Q4: Present status and next steps to the County Board. OMB