Female Reproductive System
What the Female Reproductive System Does The function of the female reproductive system is to make eggs and to provide a place to support and nourish a developing human
How the Female Reproductive System Works
Female Puberty Girls usually begin the process of puberty between the ages of 9 and 13, slightly earlier than boys At this time the body releases the female sex hormone estrogen that causes physical changes to occur. While girls are often fully developed by age 16, some continue to mature physically through age 18.
Female Puberty Changes that occur: Hips widen Growth spurt Acne may appear Underarm hair appears Perspiration increases Breasts develop Waistline narrows Hips widen Uterus and ovaries enlarge Pubic hair appears External genitals enlarge Ovulation occurs Menstruation begins Long bone growth stops
Ovary Female reproductive organs that produce eggs and the female sex hormone estrogen and progesterone Each ovary is about the size of the top joint of a thumb and contains 1-2 million eggs
Estrogen Female sex hormone that causes sex hormones to mature into adult shape and size Causes secondary sex characteristics to develop, bones to strengthen, regulate the menstrual cycle, and prepare the body for pregnancy
Eggs Sex cells that are produced in the ovaries Eggs start to develop before the female is born By the time the female is born, only 700,000 eggs remain from the 1-2 million that were present in the female while in the womb 400,000 eggs will remain by the time a girl reaches puberty About 400 eggs will mature in a women’s life Each egg is about .135mm or the size of a very sharp pencil
Vagina Reproductive organ that connects the outside of the women’s body to the uterus Secretes acid type liquid at certain times of the month that can kill sperm Elastic like skin that can stretch as needed Allows menstrual fluid to exit the body and is part of the birth canal
Urethra The long narrow tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body
Fallopian Tubes Transports the egg from the ovary to the uterus The end of the fallopian tube contains fimbria that help to pull the ripened egg out of the ovary and down the tube This organ is about 4-5 inches long and is lined with cilia that help to sweep the egg down the tube
Uterus A pear shaped, muscular cavity about the size of a fist It is found at the top of the vagina The uterus is the organ where a fertilized egg is implanted so a baby may develop The uterus is known as the womb
Cervix Where the uterus meets the vagina At times it gives off substances that kill the sperm and at other times helps the sperm to live easier
Ovulation The releasing of the egg from the ovary Each month in the left or right ovary, an egg ripens and is swept into the fallopian tube where it is capable of being fertilized It takes about 72 hours for the egg to travel the tube, most sperm have the same lifespan The egg will only live a few hours in the uterus if not fertilized
Bladder A triangular sac that stores urine before it is excreted out of the body
Menstrual Cycle A monthly series of hormone controlled changes that prepare the body for pregnancy If the egg is not fertilized, menstruation occurs The lining of the uterus is shed, about 2-4oz. over 3-7 days If fertilization occurs, bleeding stops and a mucus plug is formed
Premenstrual Syndrome - PMS Mental and physical changes that occur based upon hormonal shifts Mood swings, head aches, bloating and breast tenderness are common symptoms
Menstrual Cramps Cramp like pain that is caused by contractions of the uterus
Infertility The inability to reproduce – may be caused by a number of factors from a low sperm count, endometriosis, genetics or STI’s
Pelvic Exam An annual examination by a doctor or gynecologist to detect any problems that a women may be unable to detect with her reproductive system Women should begin having this exam when they reach 18 or if they become sexually active before
Pap Smear A test that examines the cells of the uterus
Breast Exam A self exam women should perform at the same time each month usually the week following their period to detect any lumps, swelling, pain in the breasts
Mammogram An exam that is recommended annually once a woman reaches 40 This test detects cancer
Menopause When a women is no longer able to reproduce and her body goes through a series of changes Usually happens between the ages of 45 and 60