P16452 Active Reciprocating Compressor Valve Assembly Project Background is that standard compressors operate with passive mechanical valves that utilize springs to direct airflow based on the pressure difference. Project Goal is to design and build an active reciprocating compressor valve assembly that is user controlled Selected system level concept includes a pressure vessel that pressurized using an inlet valve and wall pressure that’s regulated down to 5 psig. System also includes a vacuum valve and the active valve assembly. Simscape simulations were generated based on the combination of valves and tanks determined in system level concept selection. The simulations assisted the team in better understanding the flow of air through the system and combination of orifice areas that can result in a compression cycle pattern. When the system is turned on, the solenoids create a magnetic field that moves the magnet inside the poppet and as a results the poppets open and close the exit orifice. Airflow Diagram is shown. Pressure inside the vessel is measure using a pressure sensor. For displacement, a hall effect sensor was used to measure the change in the magnetic field caused by the movement of the magnet inside the poppet.