Gossip Protocols Bimodal Multicast and T-MAN Ken Birman
Gossip: A valuable tool… So-called gossip protocols can be robust even when everything else is malfunctioning Idea is to build a distributed protocol a bit like gossip among humans “Did you hear that Sally and John are going out?” Gossip spreads like lightening…
Gossip: basic idea First rigorous analysis was by Alan Demers! Node A encounters “randomly selected” node B (might not be totally random) Gossip push (“rumor mongering”): A tells B something B doesn’t know Gossip pull (“anti-entropy”) A asks B for something it is trying to “find” Push-pull gossip Combines both mechanisms
Definition: A gossip protocol… Uses [mostly] random pairwise state merge Runs at a steady rate (much slower than network) [mostly] Uses bounded-size messages Does not depend on messages getting through reliably
Gossip benefits… and limitations Information flows around disruptions Scales very well Typically reacts to new events in log(N) Can be made self- repairing Rather slow Very redundant Guarantees are at best probabilistic Depends heavily on the randomness of the peer selection
For example We could use gossip to track the health of system components We can use gossip to report when something important happens In the remainder of today’s talk we’ll focus on event notifications. Next week we’ll look at some of these other uses
Typical push-pull protocol Nodes have some form of database of participating machines Could have a hacked bootstrap, then use gossip to keep this up to date! Set a timer and when it goes off, select a peer within the database Send it some form of “state digest” It responds with data you need and its own state digest You respond with data it needs
Where did the “state” come from? The data eligible for gossip is usually kept in some sort of table accessible to the gossip protocol This way a separate thread can run the gossip protocol It does upcalls to the application when incoming information is received
Gossip often runs over UDP Recall that UDP is an “unreliable” datagram protocol supported in internet Unlike for TCP, data can be lost Also packets have a maximum size, usually 4k or 8k bytes (you can control this) Larger packets are more likely to get lost! What if a packet would get too large? Gossip layer needs to pick the most valuable stuff to include, and leave out the rest!
Algorithms that use gossip Gossip can be used to… Notify applications about some event Track the status of applications in a system Organize the nodes in some way (like into a tree, or even sorted by some index) Find “things” (like files) Let’s look closely at an example
Bimodal multicast This is Cornell work from about 15 years ago Goal is to combine gossip with UDP multicast to make a very robust multicast protocol
Stock Exchange Problem: Sometimes, someone is slow… Most members are healthy…. … but one is slow i.e. something is contending with the red process, delaying its handling of incoming messages…
Remedy? Use gossip Start by using unreliable UDP multicast to rapidly distribute the message. But some messages may not get through, and some processes may be faulty. So initial state involves partial distribution of multicast(s)
Remedy? Use gossip Periodically (e.g. every 100ms) each process sends a digest describing its state to some randomly selected group member. The digest identifies messages. It doesn’t include them.
Remedy? Use gossip Recipient checks the gossip digest against its own history and solicits a copy of any missing message from the process that sent the gossip
Remedy? Use gossip Processes respond to solicitations received during a round of gossip by retransmitting the requested message. The round lasts much longer than a typical RPC time.
Delivery? Garbage Collection? Deliver a message when it is in FIFO order Report an unrecoverable loss if a gap persists for so long that recovery is deemed “impractical” Garbage collect a message when you believe that no “healthy” process could still need a copy (we used to wait 10 rounds, but now are using gossip to detect this condition) Match parameters to intended environment
Need to bound costs Worries: Someone could fall behind and never catch up, endlessly loading everyone else What if some process has lots of stuff others want and they bombard him with requests? What about scalability in buffering and in list of members of the system, or costs of updating that list?
Optimizations Request retransmissions most recent multicast first Idea is to “catch up quickly” leaving at most one gap in the retrieved sequence
Optimizations Participants bound the amount of data they will retransmit during any given round of gossip. If too much is solicited they ignore the excess requests
Optimizations Label each gossip message with senders gossip round number Ignore solicitations that have expired round number, reasoning that they arrived very late hence are probably no longer correct
Optimizations Don’t retransmit same message twice in a row to any given destination (the copy may still be in transit hence request may be redundant)
Optimizations Use UDP multicast when retransmitting a message if several processes lack a copy For example, if solicited twice Also, if a retransmission is received from “far away” Tradeoff: excess messages versus low latency Use regional TTL to restrict multicast scope
Scalability Protocol is scalable except for its use of the membership of the full process group Updates could be costly Size of list could be costly In large groups, would also prefer not to gossip over long high-latency links
Router overload problem Random gossip can overload a central router Yet information flowing through this router is of diminishing quality as rate of gossip rises Insight: constant rate of gossip is achievable and adequate
Latency to delivery (ms) Load on WAN link (msgs/sec) Sender Receiver Limited bandwidth (1500Kbits) Bandwidth of other links:10Mbits Sender Receiver High noise rate Latency to delivery (ms) Load on WAN link (msgs/sec)
Hierarchical Gossip Weight gossip so that probability of gossip to a remote cluster is smaller Can adjust weight to have constant load on router Now propagation delays rise… but just increase rate of gossip to compensate
Idea behind analysis Can use the mathematics of epidemic theory to predict reliability of the protocol Assume an initial state Now look at result of running B rounds of gossip: converges exponentially quickly towards atomic delivery
… or data gets through w.h.p. Either sender fails… … or data gets through w.h.p.
Failure analysis Suppose someone tells me what they hope to “avoid” Model as a predicate on final system state Can compute the probability that pbcast would terminate in that state, again from the model
Two predicates Predicate I: A faulty outcome is one where more than 10% but less than 90% of the processes get the multicast … Think of a probabilistic Byzantine General’s problem: a disaster if many but not most troops attack
Two predicates Predicate II: A faulty outcome is one where roughly half get the multicast and failures might “conceal” true outcome … this would make sense if using pbcast to distribute quorum-style updates to replicated data. The costly hence undesired outcome is the one where we need to rollback because outcome is “uncertain”
Two predicates Predicate I: More than 10% but less than 90% of the processes get the multicast Predicate II: Roughly half get the multicast but crash failures might “conceal” outcome Easy to add your own predicate. Our methodology supports any predicate over final system state
Figure 5: Graphs of analytical results
Example of a question Create a group of 8 members Perturb one member in style of Figure 1 Now look at “stability” of throughput Measure rate of received messages during periods of 100ms each Plot histogram over life of experiment
Source to dest latency distributions Notice that in practice, bimodal multicast is fast!
Now revisit Figure 1 in detail Take 8 machines Perturb 1 Pump data in at varying rates, look at rate of received messages
Revisit our original scenario with perturbations (32 processes)
Throughput variation as a function of scale
Impact of packet loss on reliability and retransmission rate Notice that when network becomes overloaded, healthy processes experience packet loss!
What about growth of overhead? Look at messages other than original data distribution multicast Measure worst case scenario: costs at main generator of multicasts Side remark: all of these graphs look identical with multiple senders or if overhead is measured elsewhere….
Growth of Overhead? Clearly, overhead does grow We know it will be bounded except for probabilistic phenomena At peak, load is still fairly low
Pbcast versus SRM, 0.1% packet loss rate on all links Tree networks Star networks
Pbcast versus SRM: link utilization
Pbcast versus SRM: 300 members on a 1000-node tree, 0 Pbcast versus SRM: 300 members on a 1000-node tree, 0.1% packet loss rate
Pbcast Versus SRM: Interarrival Spacing
Pbcast versus SRM: Interarrival spacing (500 nodes, 300 members, 1 Pbcast versus SRM: Interarrival spacing (500 nodes, 300 members, 1.0% packet loss)
Real Data: Bimodal Multicast on a 10Mbit ethernet (35 Ultrasparc’s) Injected noise, retransmission limit disabled Injected noise, retransmission limit re-enabled
Networks structured as clusters Sender Receiver High noise rate Sender Receiver Limited bandwidth (1500Kbits) Bandwidth of other links:10Mbits
Delivery latency in a 2-cluster LAN, 50% noise between clusters, 1% elsewhere
Requests/repairs and latencies with bounded router bandwidth
Gossipping in Bologna Ozalp Babaoglu
Background 2003: Márk Jelasity brings the gossipping gospel to Bologna from Amsterdam 2003-2006: We get good milage from gossipping in the context of Project BISON 2005-present: Continue to get milage in the context of Project DELIS
What have we done? We have used gossipping to obtain fast, robust, decentralized solutions for Aggregation Overlay topology management Heartbeat synchronization Cooperation in selfish environments
Collaborators Márk Jelasity Alberto Montresor Gianpaolo Jesi Toni Binci David Hales Stefano Arteconi
Proactive gossip framework // active thread do forever wait(T time units) q = SelectPeer() push S to q pull Sq from q S = Update(S,Sq) // passive thread do forever (p,Sp) = pull * from * push S to p S = Update(S,Sp)
Proactive gossip framework To instantiate the framework, need to define Local state S Method SelectPeer() Style of interaction push-pull push pull Method Update()
#1 Aggregation
Gossip framework instantiation Style of interaction: push-pull Local state S: Current estimate of global aggregate Method SelectPeer(): Single random neighbor Method Update(): Numerical function defined according to desired global aggregate (arithmetic/geometric mean, min, max, etc.)
Exponential convergence of averaging
Properties of gossip-based aggregation In gossip-based averaging, if the selected peer is a globally random sample, then the variance of the set of estimates decreases exponentially Convergence factor:
Robustness of network size estimation 1000 nodes crash at the beginning of each cycle
Robustness of network size estimation 20% of messages are lost
#2 Topology Management
Gossip framework instantiation Style of interaction: push-pull Local state S: Current neighbor set Method SelectPeer(): Single random neighbor Method Update(): Ranking function defined according to desired topology (ring, mesh, torus, DHT, etc.)
Mesh Example
Sorting example
Exponential convergence - time
Exponential convergence - network size
Heartbeat Synchronization #3 Heartbeat Synchronization
Synchrony in nature Nature displays astonishing cases of synchrony among independent actors Heart pacemaker cells Chirping crickets Menstrual cycle of women living together Flashing of fireflies Actors may belong to the same organism or they may be parts of different organisms
Coupled oscillators The “Coupled oscillator” model can be used to explain the phenomenon of “self-synchronization” Each actor is an independent “oscillator”, like a pendulum Oscillators coupled through their environment Mechanical vibrations Air pressure Visual clues Olfactory signals They influence each other, causing minor local adjustments that result in global synchrony
Fireflies Certain species of (male) fireflies (e.g., luciola pupilla) are known to synchronize their flashes despite: Small connectivity (each firefly has a small number of “neighbors”) Communication not instantaneous Independent local “clocks” with random initial periods
Gossip framework instantiation Style of interaction: push Local state S: Current phase of local oscillator Method SelectPeer(): (small) set of random neighbors Method Update(): Function to reset the local oscillator based on the phase of arriving flash
Experimental results
Exponential convergence
Cooperation in Selfish Environments #4 Cooperation in Selfish Environments
Outline P2P networks are usually open systems Possibility to free-ride High levels of free-riding can seriously degrade global performance A gossip-based algorithm can be used to sustain high levels of cooperation despite selfish nodes Based on simple “copy” and “rewire” operations
Gossip framework instantiation Style of interaction: pull Local state S: Current utility, strategy and neighborhood within an interaction network Method SelectPeer(): Single random sample Method Update(): Copy strategy and neighborhood if the peer is achieving better utility
SLAC Algorithm: “Copy and Rewire” F D G “Rewire” C Compare utilities A “Copy” strategy A H B K J
SLAC Algorithm: “Mutate” F D Link to random node G C A “Mutate” strategy A H B K Drop current links J
Prisoner’s Dilemma Prisoner’s Dilemma in SLAC Nodes play PD with neighbors chosen randomly in the interaction network Only pure strategies (always C or always D) Strategy mutation: flip current strategy Utility: average payoff achieved
Cycle 180: Small defective clusters
Cycle 220: Cooperation emerges
Cycle 230: Cooperating cluster starts to break apart
Cycle 300: Defective nodes isolated, small cooperative clusters formed
Phase transition of cooperation % of cooperating nodes
Broadcast Application How to communicate a piece of information from a single node to all other nodes While: Minimizing the number of messages sent (MC) Maximizing the percentage of nodes that receive the message (NR) Minimizing the elapsed time (TR)
Broadcast Application Given a network with N nodes and L links A spanning tree has MC = N A flood-fill algorithm has MC = L For fixed networks containing reliable nodes, it is possible to use an initial flood-fill to build a spanning tree from any node Practical if broadcasting initiated by a few nodes only In P2P applications this is not practical due to network dynamicity and the fact that all nodes may need to broadcast
The broadcast game Node initiates a broadcast by sending a message to each neighbor Two different node behaviors determine what happens when they receive a message for the first time: Pass: Forward the message to all neighbors Drop: Do nothing Utilities are updated as follows: Nodes that receive the message gain a benefit β Nodes that pass the message incur a cost γ Assume β > γ > 0, indicating nodes have an incentive to receive messages but also an incentive to not forward them
1000-node static random network
1000-node high churn network
Fixed random network Average over 500 broadcasts x 10 runs
High churn network Average over 500 broadcasts x 10 runs
Some food for thought What is it that makes a protocol “gossip based”? Cyclic execution structure (whether proactive or reactive) Bounded information exchange per peer, per cycle Bounded number of peers per cycle Random selection of peer(s)
Some food for thought Bounded information exchange per peer, per round implies Information condensation — aggregation Is aggregation the mother of all gossip protocols?
Some food for thought Is exponential convergence a universal characterization of all gossip protocols? No, depends on the properties of the peer selection step What are the minimum properties for peer selection that are necessary to guarantee exponential convergence?
Gossip versus evolutionary computing What is the relationship between gossip and evolutionary computing? Is one more powerful than the other? Are they equal?