Attitudinal survey of black and Asian adults in Wales


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Presentation transcript:

Attitudinal survey of black and Asian adults in Wales Survey carried out by Agroni Research Ltd 2019

Attitudinal survey of black and Asian adults in Wales NHS Blood and Transplant commissioned a survey of 221 black and Asian adults 18+ living in Wales using a quota sample. Quota sampling was chosen to ensure that a sufficient number of respondents for each main ethnic group were interviewed to provide more robust statistical validity. Interviews with respondents took place in various locations in Wales, including Cardiff, Newport and Swansea The survey measured awareness and attitudes amongst BAME groups, specifically black or black British (Caribbean, African) and Asian or British Asian (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi) towards organ donation in Wales Unlike the first wave survey carried out in May 2018, this wave was conducted on a paperless digital platform.

Neither support nor oppose Key findings – support for organ donation among black and Asian adults in Wales Net: Support X Net: Oppose 21 29 50 Neither support nor oppose Support for organ donation: 8% strongly support 13% support 50% neither support nor oppose 21% oppose 8 % strongly oppose Support: Which of these statements best describes your views on organ donation? (%) Base March 2019: Total (221)

Key findings – willingness to donate organs among black and Asian adults in Wales Willing: Which of the following best describes how you personally feel about organ donation after death? (%) Base March 2019: Total (221)

Barriers against organ donation among black and Asian adults in Wales Respondents who would consider donating some or all of their organs after death, who were opposed to organ donation, or did not know whether they would donate their organs after death, were shown a list of reasons why other people have said they would not donate their organs after death. They were then asked which, if any, were relevant to them The top four reasons selected were: - I want my body to be whole when it is buried or cremated (25%) - I think organ donation is against my culture or religion/faith (22%) I don’t want to suffer after death (21%) I don’t want to think about my death (15%) 15% stated they did not know the reason why they might not donate organs

Motivators towards organ donation among black and Asian adults in Wales Respondents who would definitely donate, or would consider donating, all or some of their organs, and those who did not know whether they would donate their organs after death, were shown a list of reasons why other people have donated organs. They were then asked to select, which, if any, applied to them. The top four reasons selected were: It would be improving and saving the lives of others (25%) Someone I love could one day need a transplant (19%) I want to make something good out of a sad situation (14%) I feel a social responsibility to donate my organs (11%) 33% of respondents said they didn’t know why they would donate their organs.

Do black and Asian adults in Wales talk about organ donation? NB please note the differences between black and Asian respondents can only be considered indicative as they are small sample sizes Q16. Have you ever talked with anyone about organ donation? (%) Base March 2019: Total (221) black (90) Asian (131)

Knowledge about organ donation among black and Asian adults in Wales Respondents were asked which statement they thought was true about the need for organs in the UK. 30% of respondents correctly answered that black and Asian people in the UK are more likely to need an organ transplant than white people in the UK. This marks a jump in awareness, which was measured at 11% in May 2018. Respondents were also asked which statement they thought was true about ethnic matching in organ donation. 36% correctly answered that you can receive an organ from a person of a different ethnic group, but in practice the organ is going to be better matched if it comes from someone of your own ethnicity. This shows an increase in awareness, which was measured at 17% in May 2018. Need: Q24. Which ONE of these statements do you think is true? Matching: Q25. And which ONE of these statements do you think is true? Base March 2019: Total (221) black (90) Asian (131) Base May 2018: Total (278) black (79) Asian (199)

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