Learning Analytics Collaborative Cluster Dr Ainsley Hainey
Year 1 Activity Large appetite in sector evidenced from Launch Event and First Year Plans in Learning Analytics Collaborative Cluster Expression of Interest submitted in December 2017 QAA funded 2 workshops – 27th February and 15th May Three interns are also being kindly supported by QAA funding
February Workshop Work collectively to identify pathways of work within the learning analytics field that will have sector-wide impact 20 representatives from 12 HEIs attended
May Workshop Learning Analytics Learning Analytics Framework Engagement Applications of Learning Analytics Develop workstreams under the strands identified in February workshop to recommend further work to QAA in taking forward learning analytics Funding for three student interns has also been awarded to support the work of the collaborative cluster Workshop would also define projects for each intern 16 representatives from 11 HEIs attended, with offers to support from another HEI and sparqs
Learning Analytics Framework Sharing Best Practice Research HEI current practice in learning analytics Oversight/governance Institutional strategy Definitions Policy/guidelines Lessons learned Implementation strategy HEI roadmap Develop mechanism for sharing best practice Evaluation of current practice Produce policy/guidance/best practice framework to be released under CC licence Learning Analytics Framework
Year 1 Activity Two student interns, Claire Lough and Victoria Szymanska, from the University of Stirling, interviewed all 19 Scottish HEIs in Summer 2018 They explored objectives, policies, systems and future plans for learning analytics They summarised each interview and compiled a report which is now available on the QAA Enhancement Theme website http://www.enhancementthemes.ac.uk/current-enhancement- theme/collaborative-clusters
Year 2 Activity Two student interns currently being recruited and to be based at the University of Strathclyde to create an online resource compiling the information from Claire and Victoria’s report Students expected to undertake the project from January – June 2019
Needs Analysis Engagement Research current practice nationally and internationally Research categories of students Research categories of staff Undertake needs analysis of learning analytics on all categories of students and staff Overall purpose: to ensure all student and staff categories have a voice in learning analytics, not just those ‘at-risk’ to validate institutional strategy Engagement
Year 1 Activity One student intern, Wanda Fischera, based at the University of Strathclyde, interviewed all Strathclyde Professional Services departments and the Student Union to capture the data categories collected from students She categorised them into five clusters; student record, demographics, widening access, student support records, and academic categories Her full report can also be accessed at the QAA Enhancement Themes website http://www.enhancementthemes.ac.uk/current-enhancement- theme/collaborative-clusters
Year 2 Activity In the near future, four student interns will be recruited, based at Robert Gordon University, University of Edinburgh, University of St Andrews, and University of Stirling to undertake sector-wide student focus groups to gain student views on learning analytics and the specific needs required by each group of students Focus group recruitment will be informed by Wanda’s report Students expected to undertake the project from January – June 2019
Applications of Learning Analytics Sharing Best Practice Show, tell and share approach Develop mechanism for sharing best practice Recommendation that this work will follow on from ‘Framework’ and ‘Engagement’ strands, in year 3 of the Theme Applications of Learning Analytics
Wider Sector Engagement Supporting Higher Education to Implement Learning Analytics (SHEILA) Project has developed a MOOC on adoption of learning analytics on edX Moving Towards Systematic Adoption of Learning Analytics in Higher Education https://www.edx.org/course/moving- towards-systematic-adoption-of- learning-analytics-in-higher- education
Thank you